
Lazio: Ombudsmen meet Pope Francis

Led by Marino Fardelli, national coordinator, they gave the Pope a gift in memory of today's meeting.

Lazio: Ombudsmen meet Pope Francis

On April 10th, i Ombudsmen of the Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces they had the opportunity to meet Papa Francesco and to give him a special gift. The gift was accompanied by a dedication that underlines the profound respect for the Holy Father's constant commitment to recalling the concept of dignity for all peoples.

Marino Fardelli, President of the National Coordination of Italian Ombudsmen and Ombudsman of Lazio, he expressed gratitudeudine for the opportunity and wanted to thank all his fellow Ombudsmen of the Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces, as well as the President of the Conference of Italian Legislative Assemblies, Antonello Aurigemma, president of the Regional Council of Lazio, for sharing this significant day for Italian civic defense.

In a statement, Burdens commented: “It was a moment of great honor and responsibility for us Italian ombudsmen. I thank all my colleagues for their constant commitment and President Aurigemma for his support. The symbolic gesture towards his Holiness, Pope Francis, reflects the commitment of the Italian Ombudsmen in defending the rights and dignity of all citizens, a commitment that will continue to be at the center of their mission”.

Lazio: i Difensori Civici incontrano Papa Francesco

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