
MiC, launch of the “Major Cultural Heritage Projects” Strategic Plan

Minister Sangiuliano signed 5 decrees.

MiC, launch of the “Major Cultural Heritage Projects” Strategic Plan

The Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, signed five decrees regarding the Strategic Plan "Major Cultural Heritage Projects", which is divided into "Reprogramming of financial resources", "Programming of residual resources for the 2020 year", "Programming of residual resources for the 2023 year", "Programming of further resources for the 2023 year" and “Resource programming for the year 2024”.

"The Major Cultural Heritage Projects are a fundamental stage in our work, we have managed to intervene on a very complex set of assets of our splendid heritage. After extensive discussions with the various territories, various sites were chosen in almost all Italian regions: from the Bellini theater in Catania to the Oropa Sanctuary in Biella, from the book museum in Naples, to the Basovizza foiba, from the archaeological park of San Casciano to the Roman villa of Positano. Just to mention some of the interventions. An action that allows us to realize the idea of ​​widespread protection and valorization throughout the entire territory of the nation. Italy must be proud of its heritage, a global unicum in quality and quantity, we must take care of it and make it an opportunity for socio-economic development"Said the Minister Sangiuliano.

Below is the detail of the planned interventions by individual decrees, divided by region (in brackets, the total financed).


L'Aquila – completion of Municipal Theatre (5.000.000 euros);

Pescara – realization of the Rampigna Archaeological Park (2.000.000 euros);


Lavello (Potenza) – architectural restoration of the Ducal Palace of Lavello and refunctionalization of museum spaces (2.500.000 euros);


Reggio Calabria – archaeological excavation works and multimedia installation in the Gerace Cathedral (500.000 euros);

Reggio Calabria – restoration of the Cathedral Basilica (1.500.000 euros);

Vibo Valentia – set-up, re-functionalization and restoration of the Vito Capialbi National Archaeological Museum (1.500.000 euros);


Naples – acquisition of the real estate complex called Pawnshop of Naples and protected movable assets allocated in the same complex for a maximum total amount of 7.900.000 euros;

Naples – recovery Monte di Pietà complex (10.000.000 euros);

Naples - Naples Archeolab Polar Star, refunctionalization of the decommissioned ANM “Stella Polare” depot and Archeolab set-up (4.000.000 euros);

Naples – National Museum of Books and Reading (4.000.000 euros);

Caivano (Naples) – intervention for the redevelopment and construction of the New Culture Centre for the total amount of 12.000.000 euros;

Benevento – adaptation Sannio Museum (2.000.000 euros);

Forio d'Ischia (Naples) – redevelopment project of the Villa “La Colombaia” by Luchino Visconti (1.000.000 euros);

Sant'Agata de' Goti (Benevento) – recovery of the Ecclesial Compendium of the historic center of Sant'Agata de' Goti (4.000.000 euros);

Positano (SA) – new prospects for excavation and valorization of Roman Villa of Positano and the Archaeological Museum (2.000.000 euro)

Emilia Romagna

Ferrara – purchase of the real estate complex consisting of the buildings of theformer branch of the Bank of Italy located in Ferrara, in Piazza Tasso and in Via Borgo dei Leoni for the maximum total amount of 5.016.000 euros.

Ferrara – Restoration and consolidation of the Estense Castle (3.000.000 euros);

Bologna - Villa Aldini: setting up of an exhibition space for the new museum on communication in the name of Guglielmo Marconi (4.000.000 euros);

Modena – Estensi Galleries: redevelopment, extraordinary maintenance and enhancement of the Modena and Sassuolo offices (3.000.000 euros);

Modena – monumental complex Abbey of St. Peter of Modena (3.000.000 euros);

Colorno (Parma) – restoration of the Colorno Palace, (5.000.000 euros);

Friuli Venezia Giulia

Romans d'Isonzo (Gorizia) – Completion of the museum exhibition set-up of the Civic Archaeological Museum of Romans (193.021 euros);

Aquileia (Udine) – National archaeological museum of Aquileia – II lot (2.000.000 euros)

Trieste – National Monument “Foiba di Basovizza” – Documentation Center (1.600.000 euros)


Rome - National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rome: structural and plant adaptation and fitting out of the Cosenza wing (8.400.000 euros);

Rome – internal and external architectural redevelopment and restoration of theICCROM – headquarters via S. Michele (8.000.000 euros);

Subiaco (Rome) – safety, restoration and re-functionalization of the Abbey Fortress of Subiaco and the attached wall structures (3.000.000 euros);

Rome - Quirinale – Theater of the Dioscuri – Intervention for conservative restoration, for overcoming architectural barriers and functional and plant adaptation (1.000.000 euros);

Rome – Monumental complex consisting of Palazzo Poli and Palazzo della Calcografia (4.000.000 euros);

Rieti – Rieti Civic Museum – New location of the National Sabine Museum (5.000.000 euros);

Segni (Rome) – Enhancement and improvement of the usability and accessibility of the Urban Archaeological Park “Segni City-Museum” (2.808.261,99 euros);

Soriano nel Cimino (Viterbo) – Palazzo Chigi Albani and Fonte Papacqua (5.000.000 euros);


Genoa – Completion of the House of Songwriters (3.000.000 euros);

Genoa – historical seat of the University Library of Genoa former Church of SS Girolamo and Francesco – Completion (2.500.000 euros);


Milano - Amphitheater of Milano – PAN Parco Amphiteatrum Naturae (1.600.000 euros);

Milano - Headquarters barracks of the Carabinieri Company Milano Duomo (2.852.000 euros);

Castelseprio (Varese) – UNESCO Sites in the Province of Varese: Sacred Mount of Varese – Castelseprio (5.000.000 euros);

Milano – Synagogue – Museum of Jewish Culture Milano (3.000.000 euros);

Tradate (Varese) – Completion of the Cultural Center – Museum of the Frera 1905 motorcycle (2.500.000 euros);


Potenza Picena (Macerata) – Valorisation of the Villa Buonaccorsi complex (2.000.000 euros);

Staffolo (Ancona) – Restoration and redevelopment project and new functions of Villa Verdenelli in Staffolo (2.000.000 euros);

Ascoli Piceno – Recovery of the church of Sant'Angelo Magno (2.000.000 euros);


Agnone (Isernia) – Cultural center of the city of Agnone (2.700.000 euros);

Campomarino (Campobasso) – Realization of the Campomarino archaeological museum (1.778.000 euros);


Torino - Turin Central Museum District: Royal Riding School (5.844.633 euros);

Casale Monferrato (Alessandria) – Restoration Ansaldo A1 “Balilla” plane belonged to Gabriele D'Annunzio's driver Natale Palli (794.512 euros);

Oropa (Biella) – Restoration of the Oropa Sanctuary (7.000.000 euros);

Torino - New Cinema Museum (3.000.000 euros);


Lecce – Restoration and enhancement of the Olivetan Convent (5.000.000 euros);

Otranto (Lecce) – Redevelopment of the public spaces system of the historic center of Otranto: restoration of the Palazzo Melorio Torre Duchesca and Ronda walkway (2.500.000 euros);

Ceglie Messapica (Brindisi) – Functional adaptation project of the Ducal Castle of Ceglie Messapica (2.500.000 euros);


The Domus de Janas. Art, architecture and landscape in the prehistory of Sardinia. Excavation, conservation, restoration and enhancement project of the sites included in the UNESCO tentative list (5.000.000 euros);

Stone architecture in the heart of the Nuragic civilisation: Nuraghe S'Urachi, San Vero Milis (OR), Nuraghe Losa, Abbasanta (OR); Nuraghe Barru, Guamaggiore (SU); Nuraghe Cuccuradda, Mogoro (OR) (1.000.000 euros)


Avola (Syracuse) – Redevelopment project former Cappello cinema theater (1.083.425,71 euros);

Catania – “Massimo Bellini” Theatre: restoration of the facade (3.300.000 euros);


Florence – Uffizi Galleries: redevelopment of the Argentine Museum – Treasury of the Grand Dukes for the valorisation of Palazzo Pitti in order to increase the museum offer (3.600.000 euros);

Florence – Uffizi Galleries: complete restoration of the monumental systems of the Nettuno and the island as part of the Boboli Masterplan – Completion (1.200.000 euros);

Florence – Uffizi Galleries: restoration of the facades of the Ammannati courtyard – Palazzo Pitti (1.200.000 euros);

Florence – Uffizi Galleries: redevelopment of the security of both architectural and museum entrances of the access route to the Galleries (4.200.000 euros);

Florence – Uffizi Gallery: restoration and restoration of the top floor of the staircase monumental access to the Galleries (1.000.000 euros);

Florence - National Museum of the Italian Language – MUNDI (800.000 euros)

Pistoia – Conservative restoration of the building complex called “Alessandro Manzoni” Theater of Pistoia (5.000.000 euros);

Mass – Ducal Palace – Making gutters safe and restoring facades (5.065.000 euros);

Pienza (Siena) – Tower of the Cassero di Monticchiello (1.400.248,45 euros);

San Casciano dei Bagni (Siena) – San Casciano dei Bagni – Interventions functional to the creation of the thermal archaeological park at the Etruscan and Roman sanctuary of Bagno Grande in San Casciano dei Bagni (4.500.000 euros);

Piombino (Livorno) – New cultural center of Piombino (3.200.000 euros);

Pietrasanta (Lucca) – Mitoraj Museum – Completion of Lot II – Expansion of the Mitoraj Museum (500.000 euros);

Trentino Alto Adige

Cavalese (TN) – Reconstruction works of Cavalese Municipal Theatre (1.500.000 euros);


Perugia – Complete reorganization of the spaces of the Museo Archeologico Nazionale dell'Umbria of Perugia (2.000.000 euros);

Terni – Carsulae archaeological area: enhancement and new use of the remains of the forum and the basilica (2.000.000 euros);


Belluno – “Dino Buzzati” Municipal Theater. Upgrading and renovation (772.000 euros);

Venice – Jewish Museum of Venice MEV – Completion (2.000.000 euros);

Restoration and safety of Shrines of Cima Grappa, Ossuary Temple of Bassano del Grappa, Asiago, Nervesa della Battaglia (5.000.000 euro).

MiC, via al Piano Strategico “Grandi Progetti Beni Culturali”

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