Bra, The Carabinieri return numerous archaeological and numismatic assets to the state at the Civic Museum

Today, Friday 19 July, at 16.30:2.400 pm at the Civic Museum of Bra, a ceremony will be held to return the archaeological assets, a sarcophagus from the XNUMXrd century AD and XNUMX ancient coins recovered following an investigative activity by the Carabinieri of Turin.

Bra (Cuneo), The Carabinieri return numerous archaeological and numismatic assets to the state at the Civic Museum

A sarcophagus dating back to the mid-3rd century. A.D and of the hapax type, 2400 coins of an archaeological nature, 2 glass ointment jars and numerous decorative bronze objects probably coming from a funerary set from the Roman era and several architectural elements in marble from the Aegean area northern and stone, all attributable to the Roman imperial age have been recovered, following of investigative activity, by the Carabinieri Unit for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Turin.

The return of the assets to the State will take place today 19 July 2024, at 16.30, at the Civic Museum of Archaeology, History and Art in Palazzo Traversa in Bra (CUNEO), in an attended ceremony also by the Superintendent of the Superintendence Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of the Provinces of Alessandria, Asti and Cuneo, with the participation of the Territorial Army and the municipal administration of Bra.Bra, I Carabinieri restituiscono allo stato presso il Museo Civico numerosi beni archeologici e numismatici

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