Vicenza: Increased fines for those who abandon waste, the Municipality increases fines for offenders
The new fines are therefore the following: for those who carry out disposal with incorrect separation of recyclable waste, there will now be an increase in the fine from 225 to 250 euros.
Vicenza: Increased fines for those who abandon waste, the Municipality increases fines for offenders.
The fines related to sanctions against those who abandon waste in the municipal territory of Vicenza are increasing.
As already announced in recent days, with a resolution signed by Mayor Giacomo Possamai, the Municipality has taken a hard line against offenders who do not comply with the correct methods of waste disposal: a decision that has matured due to the resurgence of a phenomenon that is a source of urban decay.
«There is no justification for those who leave waste outside the bins or for those who do not separate waste collection – underlines the mayor Giacomo Possamai –. Vicenza is a city with four eco-centres and 600 ecological islands and the abandonment of waste, which creates discomfort and dirt in our neighbourhoods, is not acceptable. We have therefore decided to implement an action on two fronts. On the one hand, a communication activity in multiple languages with Agsm Aim Ambiente to explain how to do separate waste collection. On the other, an iron fist for those who create degradation and discomfort with a significant increase in fines and plainclothes checks by the local police near the ecological islands and the implementation of six new cameras with artificial intelligence, which automatically detect those who dispose of waste outside the bins».
The new fines are therefore the following: for those who carry out disposal with incorrect separation of recyclable waste, there will now be an increase in the fine from 225 to 250 euros.
For those who deposit or abandon waste outside the designated containers, there will be an increase from 300 to 400 euros. For those who deposit waste at times and places other than those established, the increase will be from 50 to 100 euros. Those who throw, spread, drop or deposit any solid or liquid waste on public land, or introduce waste into street drains or wells, or if they put it into sewer drains, will see an increase from 50 to 100 euros.
Disposing of the residual non-recyclable fraction of waste, by placing it inside an open or loosely closed bag, will then have an increase from 50 to 100 euros. Anyone who introduces bulky material, burning waste, or recyclable waste into the appropriate containers for urban waste will see a fine increased from 50 to 300 euros. The same increase, from 50 to 100 euros, for any behavior that may give rise to environmental hygiene disorders.
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