Vicenza, the State Police tracks down and accompanies two foreigners to the repatriation center
Vicenza, the State Police tracks down and accompanies two foreigners to the repatriation center
Vicenza, the State Police tracks down and accompanies two foreigners to the repatriation center
Yesterday morning, October 22nd, The State Police Agents on duty at the Vicenza Police Headquarters have tracked down two illegal foreigners in the national territory in the capital city of Vicenza. The same were made available to the Immigration Office of the Police Headquarters which proceeded with the immediate initiation of the procedures for expulsion from the national territory.
In particular, this concerns:
- EE, 25 years old, Nigerian citizen, arrived in Italy in 2016, landing on the Sicilian coast. Having obtained the residence permit for humanitarian reasons, he did not renew it upon its natural expiration. After spending several years in hiding, he was known for committing crimes related to drug dealing and property crimes.
Yesterday, after the notification of the expulsion decree, the Vicenza Police Chief issued a detention decree against him at the repatriation centre in Gradisca d'Isonzo (GO), where he was accompanied by the Police Headquarters Agents and where he currently remains, awaiting repatriation to his country of origin.
- BRCA, 24 years old, Peruvian citizen, known to the judicial chronicles for the crimes of resistance/violence and threats to a Public Official, supply of drugs, crimes against property, drunken disorder, extortion, possession of altered keys or lock picks, possession of weapons or objects capable of causing offence and other crimes. He had also been convicted of the crime of theft in 2018 in Milano.
Having arrived in Italy in 2017 to reunite with his family, he let his residence permit expire without ever bothering to renew it.
Arrested several times in flagrante delicto and subjected by various courts to alternative measures to detention, he continued to commit crimes.. For this reason, once tracked down in Vicenza, yesterday, he was notified of an expulsion order. The Police Commissioner Dario Sallustio issued an order against him to remove him from the National Territory with a simultaneous Decree of detention at the CPR of Ponte Galeria, in Rome, where he was escorted by the Agents of the Immigration Office of the Police Headquarters, awaiting a repatriation flight.
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