Vicenza: PNRR update, 33 public works out of 58 already concluded and the rest of the projects mostly started

With 33 interventions out of 58 already concluded and the rest of the works largely started, the projects financed for 48.175.000 euros with Pnrr funds proceed without particular critical issues in compliance with the expected times. Councilor Spiller comments: «Great commitment to link the construction sites and co-finance the extra costs».

Vicenza: PNRR update, 33 public works out of 58 already concluded and the rest of the projects mostly started

«With 33 interventions out of 58 already concluded and the rest of the works largely started, the projects financed for 48.175.000 euros with PNRR funds are proceeding without particular critical issues in compliance with the expected times. A result that we are achieving thanks to the great organizational effort of the municipal technical structure, which must not only plan but also follow the progress of the construction sites, and with the important co-financing of 4 million euros that the municipal administration had to face to cover the extra costs that emerged.».
This is the comment by councilor Cristiano Spiller to the state of progress of the 58 projects funded by the European fund NextGenerationEu within the Pnrr followed by the sectors Public Works, Prevention, Safety, Urban Greenery (31 projects for 30.450.000 euros) and Mobility, Infrastructure and Transport of the Municipality of Vicenza (27 projects for 17.725.000 euros).

Vicenza: aggiornamento PNRR, 33 lavori pubblici su 58 già conclusi e il resto dei progetti in gran parte avviati

«A year and a half from the end of the expected time for these construction sites, that is June 2026 – continues Councilor Cristiano Spiller – in addition to the 33 interventions already concluded, three more are practically finished, five are halfway through the work and seven are in the early stages of work. Finally, there are ten construction sites that will be started within the first months of this year. We are satisfied with these data, because in the face of a very high number of Pnrr projects that we have inherited, and which had to be intersected with each other and with other municipal projects, we have put maximum effort into staggering the interventions, both to guarantee adequate control of all the works, and to not clog up areas of the city, first of all that of Campo Marzo which has nine Pnrr projects, a municipal project and the arrival of the AV/AC construction site».

Vicenza: aggiornamento PNRR, 33 lavori pubblici su 58 già conclusi e il resto dei progetti in gran parte avviati

The next few months will see the completion of the redevelopment of the Villa Bedin Aldighieri park, the A1 section of the Casale cycle path and the reconversion of the spaces of the Da Feltre school. The works on Viale Verdi, at the San Lazzaro and Piarda nursery schools and on the cycle paths in the stadium area and towards Torri di Quartesolo will also be concluded during the year. The construction sites for the new changing rooms of the sports hall, the redevelopment of Campo Marzo east, the roofing of the former Giusti school, and the latest interventions at Palazzo Chiericati will get underway. Finally, work will begin on the construction of the covered structure at the Perraro athletics field, the redevelopment of Viale Roma, the new nursery school on Via Turra, the interventions at the Dalla Scola school and the employment centre on Via Torino, the construction of the infrastructure for the supply of buses on Via Fusinieri, for which SVT is the implementing body, and the projects that fall within the social sphere: the redevelopment of the living spaces for continuity of care and for the disabled and the post station.

All the projects of the Municipality of Vicenza financed under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan with the European funds NextGenerationEU are described at the link

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