
Vicenza: Elimination of violence against women, the Municipality opens a call for initiatives and projects

Questions by email by Monday, October 21st.

Vicenza: Elimination of violence against women, the Municipality opens a call for initiatives and projects

On the occasion of International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women the Municipality of Vicenza has published a public notice for the inclusion in the municipal program of initiatives related to the theme of gender violence.

«The Municipality, through the equal opportunities office and with the Consultation for Gender Policies, intends to give visibility and encourage projects and initiatives that contribute to raising awareness on the issue of violence against women – the words of the councilor Isabella Sala -. The support from the Municipality will consist in the inclusion of the initiative or project selected, within a special municipal brochure, distributed in various public offices, museums, libraries and schools. The accepted proposals will also enjoy the patronage of the City of Vicenza».

The initiatives must refer to projects of collective interest and activities useful for promoting a culture of reflection and action against gender violence: the proposed activities must also be aimed at all citizens and not exclusively to specific categories. Associations and entities that intend to carry out their own initiatives related to raising awareness of violence against women in the territory of the Municipality of Vicenza may apply for inclusion in the municipal program. Projects for the implementation of initiatives that take place in the period between 15 November 2024 and 8 December 2024, inside public and private spaces.

The application and related documents required must be sent via email by noon on Monday, October 21, 2024.

All information and attachments relating to the call are available clicking here.

Vicenza: Eliminazione della violenza sulle donne, il Comune apre un bando per iniziative e progetti

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