Vicenza: Almost 5000 people visited the Civic Museums, great influx to Palazzo Chiericati for the opening of the Ala Roi

boom at civic museums

Vicenza: Almost 5000 people visited the Civic Museums, great influx to Palazzo Chiericati for the opening of the Ala Roi

An exceptional weekend for the city's museums and monuments. The Civic Museums recorded 4880 admissions from Friday 20th to Sunday 22nd December. The most visited venue overall was the Civic Museum of Palazzo Chiericati, which on Friday 20 December saw the opening of the Ala Roi, which houses 300 works, some of which have never been exhibited before, distributed across 11 rooms. Now the full path allows a journey through the history of art Vicenza and Venetian from the thirteenth century to the end of the nineteenth century.

In fact, there were almost 2000 (1908) visitors who chose to preview the Ala Roi. Of these, 1535 attended the inauguration on Friday. and free opening. On Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 December 140 people took the opportunity to participate in free guided tours of the Ala Roi led by qualified tourist guides, a gift to the city from the municipal administration. The exhibition Three Masterpieces in Vicenza in the Basilica Palladiana was visited by 1839 people, of whom 1417 were residents of the city and province with free admission, equal to 77%, and 422 from outside the province, equal to 23% (paid admissions).

«A Christmas dedicated to art and the valorization of Vicenza's heritage. The large influx of visitors and the response from the city and the province is an incentive to move forward in this direction. Then, more than 200 Platinum Cards were sold in less than a month, which means that 2025 will see many Vicentini entering and exiting museums and monuments, increasingly fond of the many treasure chests of art that belong to us.».

The Vicenza Platinum Card, dedicated exclusively to citizens and those born in Vicenza and its province, is a personal card that allows you to visit the seven sites of the Civic Museums for an entire year at the price of 20 euros, with unlimited entry. It can be purchased, upon presentation of an identity document, at the Tourist Information Office in Piazza Matteotti (0444 320854,, open every day from 9 to 17.30:25, closed December 1 and January XNUMX).

Vicenza: Quasi 5000 persone hanno visitato i Musei Civici, grande afflusso a Palazzo Chiericati per l'apertura dell'Ala Roi

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