
Vicenza: 16-Year-Old With Kanner Syndrome Missing, State Police Assist Parents and Find Daughter

Even with the help of the parents who had already taken to the streets looking for their daughter, the officers walked the streets around the B&B, and tracked down the minor stopped in Piazza Garibaldi.

Vicenza: 16-year-old with Kanner syndrome missing, State Police assists parents and finds daughter.

Two parents on holiday in Vicenza contacted the Police Headquarters Operations Room via 113, asking for help in finding their sixteen-year-old daughter, who suffers from autism spectrum disorder (ASD), who had wandered away from a B&B in this city centre where they were staying, making herself untraceable for several hours.

The search plan was immediately set in motion by the Operations Room, starting with the dispatch of patrol cars to accurately collect the description of the minor so that more details could be acquired to better direct the tracing operations.

The minor's parents reported that they had been on holiday for a week in Vicenza and since they were getting ready to go out, they were unable to describe exactly how their daughter was dressed, that due to walking difficulties she could not walk very far and that, although she understood Italian and Spanish, she was unable to communicate with more than a few syllables and certainly not with strangers.

Even with the help of the parents who had already taken to the streets looking for their daughter, the officers walked the streets around the B&B, and tracked down the minor stopped in Piazza Garibaldi.

Having had her approached by her mother, the Agents were able to give a positive epilogue to the bad adventure.

Vicenza: 16enne con la sindrome di Kanner scomparsa, la Polizia di Stato assiste i genitori e ritrova la figlia.

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