
Mayor Possamai condemns the vandalism of the Videomedia group headquarters in Vicenza.

Solidarity of the mayor and the city of Vicenza towards Tva Vicenza and Telechiara after the action of the No Vax movements.

Mayor Possamai condemns the vandalism of the Videomedia group headquarters in Vicenza.

The Mayor Giacomo Possamai interviene on the act of vandalism at the group's headquarters Video Media in Vicenza occurred in night between Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th July: «My solidarity and that of the city of Vicenza to the Videomedia group and the editorial offices of Tva Vicenza and Telechiara, the object of vandalism by No Vax movements, which in recent months have returned to deface the walls and spaces of the city several times. These are shameful acts, which demonstrate how much we still need to commit ourselves to defending science. These are writings that are an insult to the memory of those who died during the time of Covid and to the many doctors, nurses and health workers who have given their lives in these years to defend us all from the pandemic".

 Il sindaco Possamai condanna l'atto vandalico alle sedi del gruppo Videomedia a Vicenza.



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