
Bassano del Grappa: stalking of a minor and resistance to a public official, 24-year-old Moroccan arrested

Young homeless foreigner arrested.

Bassano del Grappa: stalking of a minor and resistance to a public official, 24-year-old Moroccan arrested.

The Agents of the Flying Squad of the Bassano del Grappa Police Station (Vicenza) proceeded to arrest KS, a 24-year-old Moroccan citizen, of no fixed abode, known to the police archives, for the crimes of stalking (art. 612 bis, co 2 and 3 CP) and resisting a Public Official (art. 337 CP) as well as reporting him at liberty for the violation of the Mandatory Exit Notice (art. 76 n. 3 Legislative Decree nr. 159/2011) and aggravated damage (art. 635 CP).

In particular, in the early afternoon of last September 30, a crew of the Flying Squad intervened, following a report received on the emergency telephone line "113", at the home of a minor girl who was the object of persecutory acts by KS, with whom she had had a brief romantic relationship; the aforementioned, since the end of the relationship, had reached her daily with numerous daily calls to her mobile phone, uttering insults and threats of harm towards the girl and her family, furthermore, in the same early afternoon, he had reached her at the Bassano del Grappa railway station, confronting her and spitting in her face and then running away following the intervention of a passer-by.

After having gathered the first information, the Agents noticed the presence of KS on a bicycle near the minor's home, who, at the sight of the Flying Squad, attempted to flee.
The subject was immediately stopped and accompanied to these offices where he immediately showed an intolerant attitude to control and an aggressive and violent behavior, resisting and alternating brief moments of calm with episodes of violence and screaming, during which he continually repeated his intention to reach his ex-girlfriend and her parents to "make them pay".

On that occasion, in the throes of a strong violent crisis, he punched the walls and the furniture, injuring his hand. He also threatened the intervening officers, even lifting a piece of furniture to throw it at them. He only stopped acting when the police officers pulled out their TASER.

His violent action, therefore, was unleashed against a plastic chair that he hit with kicks, punches and threw against the wall, breaking it and damaging the plaster. In consideration of the situation created, the intervention of the "118" health workers was requested who took him to the local Emergency Room for the necessary treatment.

After being discharged, KS was taken back to the Police Station to undergo photo-dactyloscopic tests and to draw up the procedural documents. In light of the above, the police officers proceeded to arrest KS in flagrante delicto for the crimes of stalking (art. 612 bis, co 2 and 3 CP) and resisting a public official (art. 337 CP) as well as reporting him at liberty for violation of the Mandatory Exit Notice (art. 76 n. 3 Legislative Decree nr. 159/2011) and aggravated damage (art. 635 CP).

By order of the PM on duty, KS was taken to the Vicenza prison at the disposal of the Judicial Authority. In consideration of the conduct held towards the young victim, the Police Chief of the Province of Vicenza Dr. Dario Sallustio also applied the warning for domestic violence against KS


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