Montecchio Maggiore, Vicenza. Joint forces control at the nomad camp in Via Meggiolaro.

During the morning of Tuesday 23 April, a targeted joint control was carried out at the nomad camp of Montecchio Maggiore, in Via Meggiolaro.

Montecchio Maggiore, Vicenza. Joint forces control at the nomad camp in Via Meggiolaro.

During the morning of Tuesday 23 April, a targeted joint control was carried out at the nomad camp of Montecchio Maggiore, in Via Meggiolaro.

The activity was arranged following a general sharing on the occasion of a specific meeting of the Provincial Committee for Public Order and Security in the Prefecture.

Crews from the State Police collaborated in the control (Police Headquarters and Traffic Police Section of Vicenza, Crime Prevention Department of Padua) Carabinieri and Forestry Carabinieri, Financial Police and Local Police, with the support of specialized personnel from ARPAV.

The ARPAV technicians and the Forestry Carabinieri carried out investigations on some piles of stacked tyres, which can in fact be classified as special waste.

The Traffic Police carried out checks on some vehicles present, while the Financial Police carried out some fiscal and tax checks.

The results of the activities are being examined by the individual proceeding Offices.

The operations were monitored from above thanks to the help of the Guardia di Finanza helicopter.

The Police Headquarters carried out checks on the fulfillment of compulsory schooling which was found to be in order.

The operation conducted by the Police Forces is part of the initiatives concerted by the Provincial Committee for Public Order and Security with the Mayors involved, aimed at restoring optimal hygienic-sanitary conditions within the camps and at the adoption of all measures functional to the gradual destructuring of the same and the simultaneous insertion of the occupants into housing contexts which will be agreed with ATER and the Regional Authority.

Montecchio Maggiore, Vicenza. Controllo interforze al campo nomadi di Via Meggiolaro.

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