Verona: the school project “Sostanzial…mente” for the prevention of drug use is underway
The prevention of crimes related to drug use enters the schools of Verona, thanks to the project "Sostanzial...mente".
Verona: the school project “Sostanzial…mente” for prevention is underway on drug use
The prevention of crimes related to the consumption of narcotic substances is a topic on which the Administration pays maximum attention. A problem on which it is essential to have greater awareness. Starting from young people, through a multidisciplinary approach that deals with the well-being of young people and that explains to them the effects, even permanent, that drugs can have on health, in addition to the legal implications related to the use and trafficking of substances.
Prevention thus enters schools, because the educational success of male and female students cannot ignore their physical and mental health. These principles are based on 'Substantially…' project promoted by the STEI network (School and territory: educating together), in collaboration with the Municipality of Verona, the pharmaceutical company Evotec, the Addiction Service SERD and the Juvenile Chamber of Verona, a path of awareness and prevention of addictions to substances of abuse that from now until April will involve five city schools and then expand in the following years.
The chosen method is that of multidisciplinarity, for an integrated approach that allows students a complete vision of the phenomenon of drug addiction, so that they are aware and responsible in their life choices. So, in addition to the strictly scientific aspect of the effects of substances on the brain, the clinical ones will also be covered thanks to testimonies and case studies, and the legal ones, which will address the main legal profiles related to the use of narcotics. The modules, managed by experts and professionals of the various aspects, will be interactive and adapted to the youth target, in order to stimulate dialogue and reflection between boys and girls.
These are the institutions involved, each with three meetings: Istituto Copernico Pasoli (9, 16 and 23 January); IPSIA Giorgi (30 January, 6 and 13 February); Istituto Berti (20 and 27 February, 6 March); Istituto Sanmicheli (13 and 20 February, 27 March); Istituto Stefani Bentegodi (3,10, 24 April).
The synergy between public institutions also enhances the project, such as the Municipality, the schools of Verona, the Addiction Service (Serd) and the private sector, represented in this case by the pharmaceutical company Evotec Verona. A network that finds the approval of the Administration, as explained by theCouncilor for Security Stefania Zivelonghi"The administration has enthusiastically welcomed the Juvenile Chamber's proposal for a pilot project that sees the participation of a plurality of actors who make their respective skills available for the benefit of young people. The hope is that it becomes a network model to be replicated in the future".
Representatives of the entities involved were present at the press conference: Christian Serpelloni, contact person for the Juvenile Chamber of Verona: “Prevention involves two fundamental concepts: awareness of what you do and the consequences of your actions. It is essential that young people are informed.“; Sara Agostini, head teacher at the Copernico Pasoli Institute: ” Today, school provides 360-degree education, our goal remains the educational success of the children, which they can achieve only in conditions of well-being and health.“; Daniela Galletta, coordinator of the STEI Network: “This project is the expression of what the Network aims to do, that is to create an alliance between local subjects to share projects and initiatives aimed at our kids“; Giovanna Morelli, director of the Complex Operating Unit of the Addiction Service in Verona (SERD): “The most serious cases arrive at SERD, this project allows us to intercept possible cases of discomfort among students“; Maria Pilla, general manager of the pharmaceutical company Evotec Verona: “We will be there with our scientific expertise to help young people understand that drug use can have effects on health, especially mental health, sometimes permanent.".
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