Verona: “City that Reads” confirmed for the three-year period 2024-2026

A result of the many projects and initiatives carried out, for the second time Verona obtains the recognition of the Ministry of Culture, together with 142 other Italian cities. Since 2022 Verona is in fact a "City that reads", a qualification that allows you to join a national network that exchanges good practices and experiences on the theme of reading, enhancing the city's book wealth.

Verona: “City that Reads” confirmed for the three-year period 2024-2026

Verona reconfirms the high quality of the projects implemented to promote and spread the pleasure of reading. A work that, with the signing of the 'Verona Pact for Reading' in 2022, was among the first actions supported by the Administration. A Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Municipality of Verona and numerous public and private entities, representing associations, networks and systems of the Veronese book and reading supply chain, which subsequently allowed the achievement of the first recognition of 'City that reads' for the two-year period 2022-2023.

Verona: riconfermata "Città che legge" per il triennio 2024-2026

Since then, ideas and initiatives have never stopped, in a succession of new projects that have continued to strengthen the promotion of reading in the city in recent years.

"This new recognition comes thanks to the widespread and daily activity carried out, built with direct and significant actions – underlines theLibraries Councilor Elisa La Paglia –. Reading in Verona is in fact increasingly the protagonist of events, with various festivals and initiatives held in the city, the latest for example being the Mozart Festival in Verona which sees reading events that also involve libraries. In 2025 we will have the fourth edition of Books and Roses, which will bring great contemporary authors to Verona, in a program open to all citizens that has had growing public success".

Since 2022, a major network effort has been carried out with local bookshops, through which libraries have formed alliances to propose events. The Municipality of Verona, through the Civic Libraries, has also supported the city bookshops by reserving resources for the purchase of books. A sharing of intent that has made it possible to raise the quality of the offer of books in the city's library heritage. Networking with associations, with the city's reading clubs and groups, both historic and new, has also been strengthened.

An important example of collaboration with associations is given by new Library of the Immagina Association, born in the Stadio district, which will provide a private library but open to all, with free services. A result of the strong collaboration put in place by the Library Management Service, active in all activities concerning management, cataloguing and training.

Yet, through the 'Free Spaces' project the Libraries aim to become spaces open to cultural contamination, true institutional and social strongholds in the heart of the neighborhoods. The project significantly amplifies the offer of spaces and times of aggregation dedicated especially to boys and girls in the public reading libraries of the neighborhoods of Santa Lucia, Borgo Roma and Borgo Trieste.

In recent years, the involvement of schools of all levels has also been expanded, both with the offer of visits and graded thematic itineraries, and with the implementation of PCTO projects.

In the context of Verona City that reads, also the 'On Horseback!' project through which the Civic Museums host a series of events dedicated to readings of prose and poetry in dialogue with the works of art.

"Reading is a window on the world, it opens the mind, nourishes the spirit and makes us live different lives. Verona is evidently a city that reads – highlights theculture councilor Marta Ugolini –. A demonstration of this is the festival 'Books and Roses. Writing, printing, reading', which grows and becomes more and more important year after year. A cultural event, made up of presentations of freshly printed books, reading marathons, exhibitions and events for the public of all ages. It is a festival entirely supported by the Municipality, through a collaboration between the Department of Culture and that of Libraries. The fourth edition, scheduled between May 8th and 11th, will see the creation of meetings between contemporary authors and the public, made possible thanks to the collaboration with the Literary Society and with Kasa dei Libri, a cultural association of Milano which is in contact with several publishing houses and is therefore able to bring to Verona the best of Italian and international literature of the moment. Maintaining a light and informative tone but always in the name of quality, Libri e rose wants to give a broad taste of some of the literary novelties and the different trends of contemporary writing, helping to spread the curiosity and pleasure of reading".

Verona Pact for Reading and 'City that Reads'

Verona: riconfermata "Città che legge" per il triennio 2024-2026

The Verona Pact for Reading is a memorandum of understanding signed in 2022 between the Municipality of Verona and numerous public and private entities, representing associations, networks and systems in the Veronese book and reading supply chain. This is an alliance open to all those who aim to promote reading in the Verona area and make it a daily social habit.

The Pact was the step to nominate Verona as a 'City that Reads'.

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