Verona, green light for official recognition of honorary citizenship to Liliana Segre

Yesterday, on the proposal of the Councilor for Decentralization Federico Benini, the document received the approval of the Council

Verona, green light for official recognition of honorary citizenship to Liliana Segre.

Last June 6th, the Verona city council unanimously approved the motion presented by the Democratic Party Group, with first signatory Alessia Rotta, which committed the Administration to the conferral of the honorary citizenship to Liliana Segre, in recognition of her tireless commitment to the defense of human rights and for her testimony as a Holocaust survivor.

The decision highlights theimportance of the historical testimony of the Senator for life and the recognition of his contribution in raising awareness among new generations against racism and indifference.

Yesterday, on the proposal of the councilor for decentralization Federico Benini, the document received theapproval of the Board. The last step will be carried out by the City Council in the first available session of the second session of September.

Liliana Segre, born in Milano on September 10, 1930, is one of the few survivors of the Nazi concentration camps. She was arrested at the age of 13, she was deported to Auschwitz, where he experienced the horror ofHolocaust. After the end of the Second World War, Liliana Segre returned home, one of only 25 surviving children out of 776 deportees under the age of 14.

For many years, she chose not to speak about her experience. However, since the 90s, she has begun to share her story publicly, becoming a prominent voice against anti-Semitism and for human rights. In January 2018, the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella has appointed Liliana Segre Senator for life, recognizing them "very high merits in the social field".

Despite the anti-Semitic attacks and threats received, who forced her to live under guard, the Senator continues her testimony with courage and determination.

Verona, via libera al riconoscimento ufficiale della cittadinanza onoraria a Liliana Segre

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