Verona. From May 8th free distribution of anti-larval kits in the markets.

From this week, free distribution of anti-larval kits in local markets, which can be purchased in municipal pharmacies and in those participating in Federfarma at the regulated price of 5,50 euros.

Verona. From May 8th free distribution of anti-larval kits in the markets.

The organizational machine to combat the proliferation of mosquitoes is operational. Municipality, Ulss 9 Pharmacies together for prevention. The aim is to make citizens responsible, everyone is called to do their part for the good of public health.

From this week, free distribution of anti-larval kits in local markets, which can be purchased in municipal pharmacies and in those participating in Federfarma at the regulated price of 5,50 euros.

To eradicate the spread of mosquitoes, everyone's collaboration and commitment is needed. Even more so in light of a phenomenon, that of diseases caused by viruses transmitted by anthropod vectors, which is on the increase, both due to evident climate changes but also due to other factors that contribute to increasing the risk of these diseases.
How to prevent this risk? First of all with prevention, which this year is being implemented online by the Municipality, Ulss 9 and city pharmacies with a campaign of ad hoc initiatives. The objective is to encourage citizens as much as possible to carry out the treatments even in their private areas, carrying out an important action to combat the proliferation of tiger mosquitoes.

Kit distribution calendar. It starts on May 8th with the free distribution of the anti-larval kits made available by the Municipality in the local markets. On Wednesday 8th the appointment is at the Borgo Trento market, on May 14th in Borgo Venezia, on May 25th in the Stadium area and finally in Santa Lucia on a date that will be communicated shortly. From this year the distribution will also take place in the offices of the Districts, with methods that can be consulted on the website of the Municipality on the web page that will be updated in real time in the event of any changes in dates and times. Once the supplies have run out, the Veronese will be able to purchase the capsules in the municipal pharmacies and in those belonging to Federfarma at the discounted price of 5,50 euros. The pharmacists will also provide instructions for the correct use of the product, which must be used following all the recommendations on the packaging.

Disinfestation campaign. In parallel with the distribution of the anti-larval kits, the Administration is engaged in the disinfestation campaign. The first of the 6 cycles of interventions on all 55 drains in Verona have already been completed in recent days, which sees the operators, equipped with electric pumps and tanks, sift through all the neighbourhoods. This year the rotation of larvicides is planned to avoid resistance to those already known.

On the municipality website just as in the city pharmacies, the people of Verona will be able to collect brochures with all the useful information about anti-mosquito treatment, from the telephone numbers to contact to the good practices to be implemented: constantly check the quantity of water in the saucers, do not abandon objects and containers where rainwater can collect (cans, tyres, waste, various scattered materials); empty any commonly used containers daily or hermetically cover immovable ones.

In condominiums and buildings, carry out the treatment in the drains and manholes in the courtyards until October; arrange for the grass to be cut; avoid the accumulation of waste which could become larval breeding grounds. Those with responsibility for railway embankments, roadsides, watercourses, uncultivated areas and abandoned areas are asked to keep them free of brush, waste or materials that could create stagnation.

It is also important to inform yourself in advance in case of trips abroad to the countries most at risk, you can do so by contacting the Prevention department of Ulss 9 or the GP surgeries.

"There are health risks because climate change brings us diseases that were not previously endemic in our territory - said the Health Councilor -. As always, the Municipality will do its part, however it is essential to remember how important citizens' intervention in private areas is. What our neighbor does matters, whether it is the municipality next to ours or the neighbor next door, we are all called to a great prevention activity to avoid health risks".

Present at the press conference were Fabrizio Cestaro and Salvatore Falcone for Ulss 9 Scaligera, the president of Federfarma Verona Elena Vecchioni, the Veneto coordination of Assoferm Associated Pharmacies Germano Montolli, Arianna Capri of Farmacieunite, Alex Pezzin of the Biblion company, which takes care of disinfestation on behalf of the Municipality, and Barbara Likar, municipal manager of Environment and Ecological Transition.

Verona. Dall'8 maggio distribuzione gratuita dei kit antilarvali nei mercati.

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