Verona: at the Ronda della Carità the blankets of the State Police
The State Police, in synergy with the Department of Social Policies of the Municipality of Verona, has made itself available to bring help to those in need.
Verona: the State Police blankets on the charity patrol
Concrete support for the activities carried out every day by Round of Charity Verona in favor of those who find themselves in difficult situations. In aid of the Veronese volunteer organization, yesterday they arrived more than 400 blankets from the State Police of the Peschiera del Garda School. A useful gift to meet the needs of those who suffer from the cold and have no fixed abode, was delivered by thirty student agents of the State Police and the director of the school Gianpaolo Trevisi.
The State Police, in fact, involved, in a choral appeal, by the Municipality of Verona and in particular by the Councilor for Social Policies Luisa Ceni, has decided to don't throw away wool blankets, now declared "out of use", but rather of donate them to the association “Ronda della Carità” who will know how to make the best use of it.
The delivery took place yesterday in the presence of the president of the Ronda della Carità Mara Mascagno and of the councilor Luisa Ceni.
“An important gift, essential help with the onset of the first cold weather of winter – underlined the councilor Luisa Ceni –. The need for blankets arose from the Ronda della Carità and as a Municipality we have acted as spokesperson for this need to amplify possible interventions in this sense. The State Police has come forward by making a donation of over 400 blankets that have been made available today. In Verona, the solidarity network is a great resource that never ceases to offer its fundamental help”.
“The State Police – declared the director of the school Gianpaolo Trevisi – has always been close to the people and its service is for the people; with this donation that helps the Ronda, but that in reality enriches us and my students, we do nothing but highlight something that already happens day and night and along the streets or in the squares. Never forget the most fragile, always put into practice always and in any case the wonderful 'I care' of Don Milani and that is to take care of everything and everyone”.
For more than a year in Balloon Street, in the indoor spaces made available by the Municipality in the former municipal canteen, the canteen point of the Ronda della Carità. From September 2023 Ronda volunteers use the spaces to provide meals in an indoor location, sheltered from the elements. Thanks to the support of the Municipality it was possible to create a refreshment area but also of meeting and listening, where tables and chairs also give people the opportunity to socialize.
The Ronda della Carità in Verona is a lay voluntary organisation established on 10 January 1996, with the statutory aim of assisting homeless people in Verona who live in a state of extreme urban poverty.
The services are performed exclusively by volunteers, today 230, who must complete a training course before being active.
Last winter a total of 7 thousand blankets. A great cry for help that needs constant support. The collection is always open at the headquarters of the Ronda della Carità in via Adriano Garbini, 10.
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