Verona. The parade of the 28th Verona Carnival was held on Sunday, April 494th.

Verona. The parade of the 28th Verona Carnival was held on Sunday, April 494th.

This is how, after the postponement due to bad weather last February, the city experienced the historic event in an unusual season but in a formula that is still fascinating and engaging.

The parade, made up of 23 allegorical floats, 113 carnival groups and 6 musical bands and majorettes, animated the streets and squares of the city centre starting from 15, from Corso Porta Nuova to Piazza San Zeno. All following the Papa del Gnoco who, as per tradition, led the procession on the back of the 'musso'.

"An edition that was not easy to manage, which required a great deal of discussion and collaboration between the parties - highlights the Councilor for Culture –. Finding a new date for the event was not easy, given the importance of the event and the vitality of Verona which, fortunately, is often animated by several important initiatives. This is why we arrived at the end of April. I thank the Bacanal del Gnoco Committee for their collaboration and, in particular, all the local police personnel who will support the event for the day to ensure its smooth running in safety.".

Parade and route

From 12pm onwards, the gastronomic atmosphere of the carnival began, thanks to the traditional Verona gnocchi enjoyed in Piazza San Zeno, while at 15pm the long-awaited and historic parade of floats began, from Corso Porta Nuova to Piazza Bra, Via Roma, Corso Castelvecchio, Largo Don Bosco, Regaste San Zeno, Piazzetta Portichetti, Via San Giuseppe, Piazza Corrubbio, Piazza Pozza and Piazza San Zeno.

For the first time, representatives of the ethnic minorities of the city of Verona paraded in their traditional clothes, coming from: Brazil, Moldova, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Tanzania and Ukraine. A multicultural, inclusive and folkloristic carnival that celebrates peace and sharing between peoples. Another novelty was the return of the Cart of Abundance, which distributed games.

"The start of the parade – rnarrated live by hosts Francesca Cheyenne and Mauro Micheloni – has as guest of honour, Elena Da Vico, descending by Tommaso Da Vico, a historical figure to whom, by popular belief, we owe the origin of the Verona Carnival".

Verona. Domenica 28 aprile si è tenuta la sfilata del 494° Carnevale di Verona.

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