Castelnuovo del Garda: 5 subjects, between 20 and 72 years old, are under investigation for a robbery that occurred in May 2023 against elderly people

Violent robbery in a villa against an elderly couple. The Carabinieri investigations continue.

Castelnuovo del Garda: 5 subjects, between 20 and 72 years old, are under investigation for a robbery that occurred in May 2023 against elderly people.

On the morning of 23.07.2024, i Carabinieri of the Peschiera del Garda Company, with the support of the military of the Carabinieri Companies of Misilmeri (Palermo) and Brescia, have executed a custodial order in prison, issued by the GIP Office of the Court of Verona, against five men, aged between 20 and 72, resident in Sicily and Brescia, on whose account data were acquired serious indications of guilt in relation to their participation, one as creator and organizer and the others as authors, in the aggravated and complicit robbery perpetrated in a house last May 29, 2023 in Castelnuovo del Garda (Verona) against two elderly people who, in the circumstances, were immobilized and gagged.

The precautionary custody measure in question in question is a continuation of the one carried out by the Carabinieri of Peschiera del Garda last 8 April and details, in detail, the role played by the arrested suspects in relation to the executive phases of the robbery. Specifically, two robbers, pretending to be soldiers of the Guardia di Finanza, wearing a bib with the writing "Guardia di Finanza" and a distinctive plaque around their neck, simulated a police check at the villa of the two victims.

The latter, misled by the clothes and badge worn by the two men, They allowed them entry and were suddenly joined by two other individuals who forcefully pushed the elderly couple into the house. Once inside the robbers, three of whom later disguised themselves with balaclavas, pushing and immobilizing the spouses on the sofa with electrician's cable ties and, following them with the threat of a semi-automatic pistol and a taser, they took possession of the sum of 500 euros in cash, a rifle and a gold necklace torn from the neck of one of the spouses.

Castelnuovo del Garda: indagati 5 soggetti, tra i 20 e i 72 anni, per una rapina avvenuta nel maggio 2023 ai danni di anziani

Subsequently, before fleeing, the robbers had gagged the victims and locked them inside the basement bathroom. Despite the violent limitations, the victims managed to free themselves and raise the alarm. The Carabinieri of Peschiera del Garda were immediately alerted and began their investigations, acquiring the first indications of what had happened from the victims and, having informed the Judicial Authority, they moved on to verifying and extracting the images existing on the video surveillance systems present in the immediate vicinity of the house where the robbery had been committed.

Under the directives of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Verona, the Carabinieri have deepened the investigations through targeted investigations, both technical and traditional, also analyzing the movements of the suspects in the days preceding the robbery. An important, as well as concrete contribution to the investigations was acquired thanks to the fingerprints following the inspection, carried out by the military of the Scientific Investigations Section of the Investigative Unit of the Operational Department of the Provincial Carabinieri Command of Verona, through which they arrived at the identification of one of the suspects.

What was reconstructed by the Carabinieri made it possible to draw an absolutely serious and precise circumstantial framework against the suspects, so much so that the Judicial Authority of Verona, agreeing with what was summarized by the military of the Arma, requested and obtained from the GIP at the Court of Verona the issuing of the order of precautionary custody in prison against the suspects. During the search carried out on one of the suspects, the 72-year-old resident in the province of Brescia, Several firearms (pistols and rifles), ammunition and homemade silencers were found and seized, the proceeds of the same number of thefts committed in the provinces of Verona, Brescia and Bolzano; moreover, two of the seized rifles were found to be modified into sawed-off rifles, in order to increase their offensive potential.

The detailed investigative activity carried out by the Carabinieri under the directives of the Judicial Authority of La Scala has made it possible to dismantle the typical "away gang" made up of six individuals and, in light of the circumstantial elements acquired so far, further developments cannot be ruled out.
On the same morning of 23.07.2024, the four subjects, once arrested and completed the formal procedures, were transferred to the Palermo-Pagliarelli and Brescia District Prisons at the disposal of the proceeding Judicial Authority.

Castelnuovo del Garda: indagati 5 soggetti, tra i 20 e i 72 anni, per una rapina avvenuta nel maggio 2023 ai danni di anziani

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