Veronese Theatrical Summer 2024: from 21 June with Verona Jazz and Rumors Festival.
The Veronese Summer Theater continues to surprise by focusing on the quality of the performers and the evocative power of the stage settings, to consolidate the involvement of spectators, both Veronese and non-Veronese.
Verona. Veronese Theatrical Summer 2024: from 21 June the exciting new musical seasons of Verona Jazz and Rumors Festival.
On the musical front, the appointment with the two historical festivals is unmissable VERONA JAZZ, curated by Ivano Massignan, and RUMORS FESTIVAL, curated by Elisabetta Fadini.
Both created in collaboration with Eventi Verona srl and with the support of AGSM AIM.
Four Italian artists and six international appearances are expected, among the great masters of jazz, persuasive female vocals of world music and two top-class singer-songwriters.
The new musical season of Verona Jazz and Rumors Festival begins on June 21st.
Eight shows are on the programme, which will be scheduled until 28 July in the evocative setting of the Roman Theatre, where national and international artists will perform.
"The 76th edition of the Summer Theater is ready to begin and will do so on June 21st, the first day of summer – declares the Councilor for Culture –, precisely with the author's music which belongs to our intangible cultural heritage and which, thanks to the splendid setting of the Roman Theater, will provide an experience of even aesthetic enjoyment. A rich presence of artists from all over the world confirms the international vocation of the Festival. A calendar of events awaited by the people of Verona and appreciated by tourists visiting our city".
The duo made up of Paolo Fresu & Uri Caine will be the first to hit the Veronese scenes on the evening of June 21st within Verona Jazz, which year after year reaffirms its versatility and transversality, crossing genre boundaries to make room for increasingly 'contaminated' music.
Verona Jazz thus becomes an opportunity to bring together different and distinct musical experiences which bring with them influences, stories, stories that are distant from each other, but which find themselves gathered within a musical institution which, with the grandeur of its longevity, has been offering evenings of music of undisputed mastery and emotion for years.
It will follow on June 22nd, the performance of the Norwegian saxophonist Jan Garbarek together with his band and accompanied, for the Verona evening, by the Indian percussionist Trilok Gurtu. The 23 June it will be the turn of the Cuban cellist and singer Ana Carla Maza and, on the evening of June 24th, by the Italian singer Mario Biondi with his band.
Musical stories with different origins which, tracing their own narrative and development, intertwine with the long story of a Festival, symbol of our Verona.
The task of closing the musical program falls to the protagonists of the Rumors Festival, curated by Elisabetta Fadini, an original and popular exhibition, where the sought after becomes of everyone and for everyone and which has always carried within it the concept of music as an art capable of living and surviving, without those aids that create the sensational, often studied, thought out and built, stripped of excess to give a multiplicity of emotions made of simple and sole music.
A festival increasingly characterized by familiar musicality and sounds and art forms that tell the culture of distant countries. This year Rumors will be contaminated by Afromusic and the fusion of samba, pop, jazz and soul, as well as by the history and tradition of Africa and Brazil.
On June 30th the great return of the Italian songwriting of Elio and Le Storie Tese. On July 6th it will be the turn of the African artist Fatoumata Diawara and on July 27th Vinicio Capossela. Closing the second Rumors series on July 28th will be Marisa Monte, one of the greatest Brazilian singers of all time.
The Veronese Theatrical Summer, therefore, continues to surprise by focusing on the quality of the performers and the evocative power of the stage settings, to consolidate the involvement of the spectators, both from Verona and elsewhere, with the aim of fully relaunching the enchantment of the show and the music live.
Tickets are available on the circuits e and at the usual presales
The program was illustrated on the morning of Wednesday 24th at Palazzo Barbieri by the Councilor for Culture together with the artistic director Carlo Mangolini. Present were the president of Agsm Aim Federico Testa, Ivano Massignan of Eventi and Elisabetta Fadini of Rumors Festival.
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