Verona. The library of the A. Manzoni IC12 Golosine secondary school has been refurbished.
About two thousand volumes cataloged in the new library system.
Verona. The library of the A. Manzoni IC12 Golosine secondary school has been refurbished.
The library will be an open space outside of school hours, welcoming young people from the neighborhood to play, exchange ideas and build relationships.
Not just a book depository, but a vibrant hub of learning, exploration, connection and inspiration for boys and girls. It is the library of the lower secondary school “A. Manzoni” IC12 Golosine in via Velino, which from today has a new life.
Around two thousand volumes, brought back to new splendor by the students under the careful guidance of their teachers, have been recatalogued, labeled and inserted into the school library system, dividing them by genre.
The students enthusiastically embraced the task and responsibility of reorganizing the book catalogue, also adding a personal touch by designing the logos of the various themes. But the library will not just be a space for books, but a place to unleash creativity and imagination even after school, because it will also remain open in the afternoon, offering a welcoming space where young people from the neighborhood can gather, share ideas and create. ties.
During the inauguration, which took place on the morning of Tuesday 23 April, the boys and girls, together with the head teacher Maria Mugnolo and the teachers, welcomed the mayor, the councilor for school and educational policies and seven classes of the school, presenting some titles selected, including “The Explorer” by Katherine Rundell, “Coraline” by Neil Gaiman and “Don't tell me you're afraid” by Giuseppe Catozzella, involving those present with quizzes and games, including the one inspired by the story of the Somali Olympic athlete Samia Yusuf Omar.
The library is named after "Maria Linda Bubola", school director from 1/9/1989 to 31/8/2010, much loved and appreciated above all for her great innovative spirit for the benefit of the boys and girls of the school.
"Don Lorenzo Milani wrote the history of the school – the mayor said – and together with his boys he wrote the book “Letter to a Professor”, on the topic of evaluation, which contains the phrase: “There is no greater injustice than giving equal parts to different people”. Everyone has a value and can express a judgment that does not take diversity into account, but sometimes this is not correct. The school has the duty to find a yardstick for analysis that respects diversity but, at the same time, everyone must expect the most from themselves. In the library of this school there are books such as "Letter to a teacher with today's children" by Alex Corlazzoli, "Don't tell me you're afraid", is the story of Samia, which tells of the Olympic spirit that will also touch our city in 2026. The inauguration of this library is therefore an important moment. I remember when, in 2001, I went to Sarajevo after the end of the war. There I experienced with my own eyes how one of the devastations of war also comes from the destruction of libraries which, like bridges, are treasures of our communities and a pillar of civilization".
“Great readers who are born, thanks to a school library relaunched and systematized with the new Veronese library system – comments the councilor for school and educational policies and libraries -. This happened thanks to the important work done by the classes involved who catalogued, selected and designed the different themes of the books. But above all they read, and on this inauguration day they are also telling us about them through games and various elaborations".
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