Verona. The free online courses promoted by the Municipality to assist people with dementia are starting. 

Four training sessions will be offered throughout May, aimed in particular at family assistants and caregivers.

Verona. The free online courses promoted by the Municipality to assist people with dementia are starting. 

Four training sessions will be offered throughout May, aimed in particular at family assistants and caregivers.
Furthermore, a flyer is being distributed to orient families in the world of services and resources present in the Municipality of Verona.

Promote tools and strategies for those caring for people with dementia and memory disorders. This is the objective of the free training course for Home and Family Assistants, structured into four thematic online meetings, scheduled on Thursdays from 9th to 30th May, from 17pm to 18.30pm.

Registration by May 5th al this link – maximum number of participants 30 people.

The initiative, presented on the morning of April 23rd at Palazzo Barbieri, is among the projects supported by the Municipality as part of the "Table for quality of life in dementia", which sees the participation of various actors involved in the topic: the Center for Cognitive Decay and Dementia of Ulss 9 Scaligera, the Verona Alzheimer Association, the Association of Alzheimer's Family Patients, OMNIA Social Enterprise and Sentemente® Model. The aim of the table is to raise awareness among citizens on the issue of quality of life despite the diagnosis of dementia and memory disorders; promote integration and cooperation between entities that have been working in this area for years.

"Every year on the occasion of the World Day dedicated to people with Alzheimer's – explains the councilor for social policies – which is celebrated on the third Sunday of September, the Table organizes a public conference which becomes an opportunity for shared reflection, stimulation on the topic and a moment of awareness among citizens and professionals. This year we have chosen to support an initiative aimed at training, to give an additional opportunity to expand knowledge on care tools and strategies. The elderly person with dementia presents considerable difficulties in managing and providing care at home, which often causes considerable turnover among family carers and consequently serious inconvenience for the family and for the patient himself.".

Participating in the presentation of the project today were Laura De Togni for the Center for Cognitive Disorders and Dementia AULSS 9 Scaligera, for the Association of Family Patients with Alzheimer's Giorgio Facci, for the Alzheimer Association Italy Verona Maria Grazia Ferrari and Luca Faella, Elena Mantesso of Sente-mente® and Daniela Liberati of the Services for Adults and Elderly Municipality of Verona.

Training course for home and family assistants

Caring for a person with dementia for a long time is difficult and complex. The disease may require assistance for a period of up to 10 years and this has a significant impact on personal life, causing moments of physical and psychological tiredness.

The course was deliberately offered online to ensure the greatest participation of family assistants and caregivers, who often cannot participate in in-person training due to the need to guarantee assistance to the sick person.
The appointments will be on Thursday, from 17pm to 18,30pm, with the following programme:
The 9 May, "Caring for a person with dementia: knowing, understanding and valuing” edited by Elena Ferlini, Psychologist and Psychotherapist of the OMNIA Social Enterprise Association.
The 16 May, "The twelve steps for a positive and correct approach to the person suffering from dementia” edited by Paola Benetti, Educator, Trainer “Enabling Approach” AFMA Association of Alzheimer's family members.
The 23 May, "Daily activities to do together with the elderly” edited by Karin Garagna, Psychologist Psychotherapist Alzheimer Association Verona ODV.
The 30 May, "Behavioral disorders: symptoms or language?” by Elena Mantesso, Sente-mente® model educator and trainer

Distribution of the information flyer "The person with dementia which services"
On the topic, the distribution of a paper brochure has also been planned, also available online on the websites of the Municipality of Verona, ULSS 9 and on social channels.

A map to orient families in the world of services and resources present in the municipal area.

An additional support to respond to a request from families who, faced with the first symptoms of the disease, often do not know where and who to turn to for help.

Consider that in 2023, out of 2732 first accesses to the Social Secretariat of the Municipality of Verona, 1669 involved elderly people, with requests for information, orientation and services.

In the brochure you will find information on the Cognitive Decay and Dementia Centers (CDCD), on the Day Centers for non-self-sufficient elderly people, on the services offered by the Municipality of Verona and by Third Sector bodies. The link to access the "Map of Dementias of the Veneto Region" website will also be indicated, where further indications and information can be obtained.

Verona. Al via i corsi online gratuiti promossi dal Comune per assistenza alle persone affette da demenza. 

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