Domodossola, young woman hit by a measure of removal from the family home, gets drunk, enters the house and attacks her ex-husband. Arrested by the Carabinieri
The Carabinieri of Domodossola have arrested a young woman who, burdened by the measure of removal from the family home, entered the house with the intention of attacking him
Domodossola (Verbano-Cusio-Ossola), young woman hit by a measure of removal from the family home, gets drunk, enters the house and attacks her ex-husband. Arrested by the Carabinieri
The Carabinieri of the Mobile Radio Unit of the Domodossola Company have arrested a young woman, domiciled in Ossola is, burdened by the measure of removal from the family home, she entered the house with the intention of attacking him.
In the evening, reached the Operations Centre of the Carabinieri Company of Domodossola, the request for intervention by a man, resident in Pallanzeno, who reported to the switchboard operator that his ex-wife, who had been subjected to an order to leave the family home, had accessed the house using a copy of the keys to the front door and was refusing to leave. Arriving on site, the Carabinieri patrol of Domodossola confirmed the actual presence of the woman who was clearly intoxicated.
At the sight of the soldiers, the 30-year-old became even more enraged and tried to attack her husband again, but was unsuccessful thanks to the prompt intervention of the soldiers who intervened.
Initial checks revealed that the woman, also a resident of Pallanzeno, was subject to the measure of removal from the family home, issued by the Court of Verbania last September for previous mistreatment of the man. The latter, clearly agitated by the situation that had arisen, was reassured by the Carabinieri while the woman was arrested in flagrante delicto for the crime of mistreatment in the family and violation of the removal order. and held, by order of the Judicial Authority, in the security cells of the Domodossola Company. In the morning the GIP at the Court of Verbania validated the arrest, ordering the woman's release.
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