Udine: Threatens Officers with Bottle Shards. Socially Dangerous Tunisian Arrested
A 32-year-old Tunisian citizen was arrested and reported to the Judicial Authorities.
Udine: Threatens officers with shards of glass. Socially dangerous Tunisian arrested.
The Udine State Police arrested and reported to the Judicial Authorities a 32-year-old Tunisian citizen, seriously suspected of the crime of resisting a public official.
Following a report to the local Operations Room, personnel from the Flying Squad of the Udine Police Headquarters went to this Viale Giacomo Leopardi, where a heated discussion between several people had been reported. Once on site, the officers found several individuals of foreign nationality, whom they proceeded to identify.
Among these was a Tunisian citizen – clearly in a state of alcoholic alteration – who immediately showed an excessively euphoric and uncooperative attitude towards the officers.
After giving his personal details to the officers, the man, in a lightning-fast move, fled, initially disappearing without a trace.
Subsequently, the officers, who had started looking for the fugitive, found him near Piazza della Repubblica, where the aforementioned man, holding a broken bottle and waving it dangerously towards himself and the officers, ordered them to move away.
Not without some difficulty, the operators managed to disarm the Tunisian and render him harmless by applying the required safety devices.
Seated in the company car, the man continued his aggressive and threatening behavior, repeatedly kicking and hitting the interior of the car.
Escorted to these Offices and subjected to photo-identification surveys, the Tunisian citizen was therefore deferred under arrest for the crime of resisting a public official. From the investigations carried out, it also emerged that the man was subject to the precautionary measure of the obligation to reside in this capital, with the obligation to remain at home during the night, for acts previously committed in the city of Livorno.
The ascertained violation of this measure was therefore also reported to the competent Public Prosecutor's Office, for the purpose of worsening the precautionary measure already applied to him.
By order of the Public Prosecutor, the Tunisian citizen was held in local security cells pending the holding of the validation trial.
The GIP, having recognized the correctness of the arrest carried out in the act of committing the crime and considering the particular social dangerousness of the subject - found by the Agents in clear violation of the precautionary measure already applied to him - ordered the Tunisian citizen to be placed under the most afflictive measure of house arrest.
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