Udine: Pre-trial detention measure in prison for a Romanian citizen investigated for robbery

The man was identified by the personnel of the Flying Squad of this Police Headquarters as part of the daily control of the territory aimed at preventing and repressing crimes.

Udine: precautionary detention in prison for a Romanian citizen investigated for robbery.

The State Police of Udine has executed the order which provides for the precautionary custody measure in prison, ordered by the Judge for preliminary investigations of the Court of Genoa against a 26 year old Romanian citizen, resident in Milano.

The man was identified by the personnel of the Flying Squad of this Police Headquarters as part of the daily control of the territory aimed at preventing and repressing crimes.

In fact, while driving along Via Pietro di Brazzà, the attention of the officers was drawn to two individuals, a young man and woman, who, on board a car, were driving along the street in suspicious ways.

The check carried out revealed, in fact, that the two individuals had multiple previous convictions for crimes against the person and against property.

Furthermore, against the man, there was an order for the execution of the precautionary custody measure in prison issued by the GIP of the Court of Genoa, for the crime of aggravated robbery.

In fact, in January 2021, the man, in collaboration with a woman, had committed a robbery against a seventy-two-year-old in the center of Rapallo.

Specifically, the elderly man had been approached, with an excuse, by the woman, who, without any apparent reason, had subsequently attacked him, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him repeatedly, before fleeing aboard the car driven by the Romanian citizen.

Only later did the old man realize that, in those hectic moments, the Rolex watch he was wearing had been stolen from his wrist.

Therefore, at the end of the formal procedures, the Romanian citizen was transferred to the local prison in execution of the measure ordered by the Judge for preliminary investigations of the Ligurian capital and placed at the disposal of the competent Judicial Authority.

Udine: la Polizia di Stato esegue la misura della custodia cautelare in carcere nei confronti di un cittadino rumeno indagato per rapina.

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