Udine, Friuli DOC: 7 driving licenses revoked and report for drunkenness and disorderly conduct

Food and wine festival in Friuli Venezia Giulia concluded with 7 licences withdrawn and a report

Udine, Friuli DOC: 7 driving licenses revoked and report for drunkenness and disorderly conduct

In order to ensure the safe use of the food and wine stands and the safe return home of guests, the Udine State Police has set up a detailed system of controls aimed at guaranteeing the safety of the event., with particular attention to phenomena often linked to the manifestation of alcohol abuse with a clear focus on driving under the influence of alcohol and psychoactive substances.

Hundreds of interventions of "assistance" to citizens or "help" to people in difficulty, have also subjected over 1.000 people and more than 500 vehicles to police checks;Only in 1 case was a more “energetic” intervention by the Public Order system in the centre necessary, which led to a citizen being reported for being drunk and causing a disturbance.

The Highway Police subjected 310 drivers to breathalyzer tests: 7 licenses withdrawn and 85 license points deducted; furthermore, during the night of Friday, a highway patrol noticed a minibus proceeding in an abnormal manner with dangerous and unjustified sudden movements: the driver is then stopped finding a blood alcohol level more than 5 times higher than the legal limit: immediate withdrawal of the driving license, and entrustment of the vehicle to third parties. 50-year-old also stopped who had got behind the wheel with a alcohol level of 3,75 g/l, almost 8 times higher than the legal limit at 16.00 pm.

Udine: Friuli D.O.C, 7 patenti ritirate e denuncia per ubriachezza molesta


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