Udine: Inspection of the Casa dell'Immacolata, two metal bars and a precision scale found
prevention of juvenile delinquency crimes
Udine: Inspection of the Casa dell'Immacolata, two metal bars and a precision scale found
As part of the public order and safety services arranged by the Police Chief of Udine Domenico Farinacci with the participation of personnel from the State Police, the Carabinieri and the Local Police of Udine for the prevention of crimes with particular reference to phenomena of juvenile deviance which have also occurred recently, it was the Casa dell'Immacolata founded by Don De Roja in 1952 in via Chisimaio n. 40 was subjected to inspection.
In particular, The police personnel carried out a thorough and meticulous check of all the dormitories one by one also with the help of the dog "Izzi" of the Udine Local Police without encountering any critical issues. The checks were carried out both in the area of the dormitories outside the main body of the Casa dell'Immacolata and in the building whose rooms are on the third and top floor.
The control took place with the constant presence of at least one educator from the facility who collaborated profitably in carrying out the activities which were carried out in complete safety and in an orderly and peaceful manner also in the presence of the Head of the Structure and the Director.
Once the internal activities were completed, we proceeded outside the Structure where, well hidden under a tall tree, Two metal bars were found, well hidden, and, at the foot of a tree, a precision scale, reasonably placed there intentionally, and not forgotten, given that it was wrapped in cellophane.
A nearby tree had a location marker, a long scarf taped to a branch that could only be reached by using a ladder. (as actually done) plant that particularly attracted Izzi who continued to report the presence of the narcotic (which is believed to have been there and therefore perceived by the dog), but without any positive outcome, as it is likely that only minimal traces remained.
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