Udine: a 35-year-old violates the prohibition on approaching his ex-partner with an electronic bracelet and is arrested
On the evening of August 20, a crew from the Flying Squad intervened in the San Domenico area of Udine, as a 35-year-old Egyptian citizen, regularly resident in Italy, burdened by the obligation not to approach the home of his ex-partner and her mother, remaining at least 500 meters from the place, showed up at her house threatening her.
Udine: a 35-year-old violates the restraining order against his ex-partner with an electronic bracelet and is arrested.
On the evening of August 20, a crew from the Flying Squad intervened in the San Domenico area of Udine, as a 35-year-old Egyptian citizen, regularly resident in Italy, burdened by the obligation not to approach the home of his ex-partner and the latter's mother, remaining at least 500 meters from the place, he showed up outside the house threatening her.
This is a precautionary measure ordered by the GIP of Udine in the context of an ongoing proceeding for crimes in domestic violence issue.
This type of measure is aimed at protecting the safety of people who are victims of certain crimes, protecting them from close contact with those suspected of having committed them to their detriment and oblige the subjected person not to approach the people protected by this measure, their homes and the places usually frequented by them, both work and leisure.
That evening the man regardless of the ban imposed on him and of being equipped with an electronic bracelet, albeit for a few minutes, entered the forbidden area, threatening the victim and then leaving before the arrival of the police car.
The operators were unable to immediately trace the subject, not even at his home, but this did not preclude the possibility of pursuing his action, as his presence was ascertained in the forbidden area and precisely in the area of residence of his ex-partner.
He was tracked down in the following hours, undoubtedly charging him with the violation of the ban which provides for mandatory arrest, by virtue of the introduction of recent amendments to the criminal procedure code of November 2023, which introduced the concept of deferred flagrancy, valid for certain crimes relating to domestic violence.
The legislation allows anyone who is tracked down by the police within 48 hours from the moment the crime was committed or ascertained to be considered in flagrante delicto, if this can be demonstrated with video evidence or other documentation obtained with computer or telematic systems, such as the electronic bracelet, which in this case was in the possession of the server managed by the Udine Carabinieri.
The GIP of Udine validated the arrest and accepted the request of the Public Prosecutor for pre-trial detention in prison.
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