Udine: 28-year-old escapee arrested, he headed to a reception facility despite being under house arrest.

On the afternoon of Friday 20 September, the Udine State Police reported to the Judicial Authorities a well-known 28-year-old Italian citizen with a criminal record, arrested in the act for evasion.

Udine: 28-year-old escapee arrested, he headed to a reception facility despite being under house arrest.

On the afternoon of Friday 20 September, the State Police of Udine reported to the Judicial Authority a well-known Italian citizen with a criminal record, aged 28, arrested in the act of evading a tax.

In the context of daily life control of the territory aimed at preventing and repressing crimes, personnel from the Flying Squad of this Police Headquarters went to a hotel located in this Viale Trieste, as the owner had reported a rather heated verbal argument between two guests structure.

Once on site, the officers identified, among the subjects involved, an Italian citizen resident in this capital, already burdened by multiple precedents for crimes against the person and against property, against whom the precautionary measure of house arrest was ascertained.

The investigations carried out below allowed us to verify that the man had left the house on his own initiative where he had to serve the precautionary measure restricting his freedom, temporarily staying at the aforementioned accommodation facility, without first obtaining authorization, however by the competent Judicial Authority. It was also ascertained that the man, since the day of his arbitrary placement in the facility, had left it several times, even at night, in clear violation even of the authorizations that had been granted to him by the Judicial Authority.

Taken to these offices and subjected to the necessary photo-dactyloscopic checks, the Italian citizen was reported to the Judicial Authority in a state of arrest for the crime of tax evasion and returned to his temporary domicile pending the celebration of the validation trial.

During the validation phase, the GIP, having recognized the correctness of the arrest carried out in the act of committing the crime and having considered the particular social dangerousness of the subject, as well as his manifest inability to comply with the provisions of the Authority and the prescriptions imposed on him, ordered the most afflictive measure of precautionary custody in prison for the Italian citizen.

Udine: arrestato e condotto in carcere un 28enne per il reato di evasione, si era diretto presso una struttura ricettiva nonostante gli arresti domiciliari

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