Lignano Sabbiadoro: scams targeting the elderly, alleged perpetrator of a robbery of over 15.000 euros arrested

A thirty-year-old resident in the province of Naples has been arrested, believed to be responsible for a robbery committed last April 2024 in Lignano Sabbiadoro against an elderly couple. The man, with the help of an accomplice who was a minor at the time of the events, pretending to be a Carabiniere, robbed and attacked the couple.

Lignano Sabbiadoro: scams targeting the elderly, alleged perpetrator of a robbery of over 15.000 euros arrested

The Carabinieri of the Lignano Sabbiadoro Station and of the Operational and Radiomobile Unit of the Latisana Company (UD) have arrested in execution of a custody order in prison issued by the GIP of the Court of Udine, at the request of the local Public Prosecutor's Office, a thirty-year-old resident in the province of Naples, held responsible for the robbery committed on 18 April 2024 in Lignano Sabbiadoro to the detriment of two elderly people, a husband and wife aged 91 and 87 respectively, during which the sum of over €15.000 was stolen from them.

On that occasion, in the late morning of that day, the couple had been called on their home phone by a stranger who said that their son had caused a car accident and that, to avoid his arrest, they had to hand over a large sum of money. Shortly after, a man showed up at the elderly people's home who, pretending to be a policeman, he asked for the money to be handed over which in the meantime the two had collected and prepared in an envelope.

However, the man's behavior aroused suspicion in the couple, who, assuming it could be a scam, refused to give him the money, trying to go back into the house. Upon their refusal, the man became aggressive and pushed them forcefully, making them fall to the ground and, grabbing the envelope with the money, ran away. The elderly, in addition to the fright and the resulting psychological trauma, suffered physical injuries that were judged to heal in 7 and 15 days.

Lignano Sabbiadoro: truffe agli anziani, arrestato presunto autore di una rapina da oltre 15.000 euro

The actions were taken immediately investigations by the Carabinieri of the Lignano Sabbiadoro Station and colleagues from the Investigative Unit of the Provincial Command of Udine, under the direction of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Udine, which they allowed to identify both the perpetrator of the robbery and his accomplice, who was a minor at the time of the events, as well as to recover the entire sum of money stolen, equal to €15.850, which was returned to the victims.

The unpleasant episode involving the elderly couple, which ended with a positive judicial outcome, is a useful opportunity to renew the invitation to citizens to contact the Carabinieri without delay or hesitation through the Single Emergency Number 112 in any situation of danger or simple suspicion. Closeness and support to the population, and in particular to the weaker groups, is among the main tasks of the Carabinieri. In the specific matter of crimes against frail or elderly people, attention is drawn to the media campaign "defending yourself from scams", promoted by the Carabinieri also on their institutional website

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