Udine: Steals a car and flees, 37-year-old arrested

an arrest

Udine: Steals a car and flees, 37-year-old arrested

The Flying Squad of the Udine Police Headquarters, as part of the daily prevention and control activities in the area, Has A 37-year-old Ukrainian citizen was arrested following an escape the man made through the city center at the wheel of a stolen car. A citizen of Udine living in Via Versa contacted the Operations Room of the Police Headquarters reporting that Unknown persons had stolen his Ford Kuga car, regularly parked in front of the entrance to the house but, through his own forgetfulness, left open and with the keys in the ignition.

The man provided the Operations Room with information about the car, such as model, color and license plate, thus allowing the operators to immediately start searches using license plate readers and cameras installed in the city. These checks allowed them to ascertain that the vehicle was still in motion and in particular its passage was traced by the license plate reader installed in the Borgo Stazione area.

Thanks to this information The Flying Squad Agents intensified their control activity in that area, thus managing to intercept the car near this Piazzale Cella, at the intersection with via Sabbadini. Despite repeated warnings to stop their march, also by activating the visual and sound emergency systems, the man driving the car began a daring escape along some streets in the center that lasted for several minutes, without ever being lost sight of by the Agents.

After having travelled a long route, with total disregard for the rules of the highway code, which had been violated several times, the man driving the vehicle entered this Via Volturno in the wrong direction and, at the intersection with Via Valussi, the vehicle lost traction on the asphalt and subsequently collided with the pavement in front of the Regional Palace. The man abandoned the vehicle, which was no longer running, and prepared to escape on foot, but was soon interrupted by the officers who immediately started chasing him. Once hunted the man resisted them, wriggling and elbowing them, causing one of the workers to twist his knee.

The immediate investigations revealed that the man was responsible for: a 27-year-old Ukrainian citizen, resident in Udine but de facto homeless, with multiple criminal and police records, some of which definitive, for property crimes. Furthermore, during a search of the car carried out on the initiative of the Agents, they found inside the vehicle a wallet with documents registered to other people, likely the proceeds of theft. The owner of some of these documents was identified the following day and the goods were returned to him.

Given the serious evidence of guilt that has emerged against him, the Ukrainian citizen was reported to the Judicial Authority under arrest for the crime of resisting and injuring a Public Official and was also reported for the crime of receiving stolen goods, with the consequent seizure of the documents found inside the vehicle, for which investigations into their origin are underway. In this regard Citizens are invited to contact the Police Force to report the loss of their documents and property, since the sole acquisition of such information with the consequent implementation of the Banks given for exclusive use to the Police Forces allows the identification of the owners of the documents or objects found or seized in the context of the daily activity of territorial control and judicial police.

During the validation stage, the Preliminary Investigations Judge, having noted the correctness of the arrest carried out in the act of committing the crime and having considered the particular social dangerousness of the subject, as well as his manifest inability to comply with the rules, ordered that the Ukrainian citizen is being held in pre-trial detention.

Udine: Ruba una macchina e si da alla fuga, arrestato 37enne

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