Udine, the State Police expels a socially dangerous Pakistani citizen by escorting him to the border

The thirty-year-old foreigner entered Italy on 11.03.2016 from Austria through the Tarvisio border area

Udine, the State Police expels a socially dangerous Pakistani citizen by escorting him to the border

The thirty-year-old foreigner entered Italy on 11.03.2016 from Austria through the border area of ​​Tarvisio (Udine).

The same person submitted a request for international protection and the competent Commission for the Recognition of International Protection rejected it on 16.11.2017 with a decision notified on 05.12.2017, against which the same person did not appeal to the competent Court for the territory within the legal time limits.

On 03.07.2018 the foreigner formalized the repeated application for international protection at the Udine Police Headquarters and the competent Commission for the Recognition of International Protection of Trieste/Udine on 04.07.2019 again rejected the recognition of Protection, with a decision notified on 07.08.2020 against which the same did not appeal to the competent Court for the territory within the legal deadlines.

On 07.08.2020 the foreigner was granted a residence permit for emergence pursuant to Legislative Decree 34/2020 art.103 c.2, valid until 08.01.2021.

On 12.03.2021, the same person requested a residence permit for subordinate work, which was granted with validity until 12.03.2022.

On 15.03.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX, the renewal of the residence permit for subordinate work was requested, which was denied due to lack of requirements and consequently on 07.08.2024 he was notified of the Rejection Decree issued by the Police Chief of Udine and at the same time he was notified of the Expulsion Decree of the Prefect of Udine pursuant to art. 13 c.2 lc of the TUI (social dangerousness) with Order of the Police Chief of Udine to leave the national territory.

Udine, la Polizia di Stato espelle tramite accompagnamento alla frontiera un cittadino pakistano socialmente pericoloso

On that occasion, a request was made for a place at a Repatriation Detention Centre (CPR) at the Central Directorate of Immigration and Border Police, a request which was denied due to the unavailability of places.

The social dangerousness was deduced from the numerous criminal records including: narcotics DPR 309/90 art.73 c.5, resisting a public official art.337 CP, damage art. 635 CP, contempt of a public official art. 341 CP bis, robbery art.628 c.1 CP, personal injury art.582 CP, threat art. 612 CP, violation of domicile art. 635 CP, illegal possession of weapons L.110/1975 art.4, drunkenness art.688 CP, harassment art.660 CP, oral warning from the Police Commissioner art.3 Legislative Decree 159/2011.

On 28.08.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX the foreigner was issued a new expulsion decree by the Prefect of Udine pursuant to art. 14 TUI. (as non-compliance with the first expulsion) with Order of the Police Chief of Udine. Also on this occasion the request for a place at a CPR was started, which was always denied due to unavailability of places.

On 19.09.2024, a request for consular identification of the subject was sent via a centralized system, and on 24.09.2024 the response was received from the Consulate of Pakistan. Milano which confirmed the personal data and Pakistani citizenship of the interested party.

At the request of the Immigration Office of Udine, on 24.10.2024 the Consulate General of Pakistan in Milano issued the “laissez-passer” for the foreigner, a document necessary to organize the repatriation flight pursuant to art. 13 paragraph 4 of Legislative Decree 286/98.

On 14.11.2024, the foreigner was tracked down by personnel of the Udine State Police in this city center and therefore, the Udine Police Chief issued an Order for Immediate Escort to the border by the Police Force in execution of the Expulsion order.

For the execution, since the act was subject to validation by the Justice of the Peace, on the same date he set a hearing and validated the provision, allowing the foreigner to board at the “Marco Polo” airport in Venice, on a flight departing at 15.00:4.45 pm bound for Pakistan where he arrived at XNUMX:XNUMX am yesterday, escorted by personnel from the Udine State Police, and handed over to the Pakistani authorities.

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