Udine: 63-year-old Slovakian woman arrested following European Arrest Warrant
The State Police arrested a 63-year-old Slovakian woman pursuant to a European Arrest Warrant, who organized the transfer of migrants using the means of the transport company she managed.
Udine: 63-year-old Slovakian woman arrested following a European Arrest Warrant
The Udine State Police, through the personnel of the Flying Squad of the Friuli Police Headquarters, with the coordination of the General Prosecutor's Office of Trieste and the Central Directorate of Criminal Police, Service for International Police Cooperation, arrested a 63-year-old Slovakian woman pursuant to a European Arrest Warrant.
On 18 December, the Slovak Police, on the initiative of the Udine Police, executed the European Arrest Warrant, issued following the Order of Imprisonment issued on 1 October by the Attorney General's Office at the Court of Appeal of Trieste, against the 63-year-old KE
The woman was the recipient of a restrictive measure that carries a sentence of 4 years and 6 months of imprisonment because she was part of a transnational criminal gang, with branches in Italy, Romania, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, which between 2007 and 2009 had brought a considerable number of illegal immigrants, originally from India and Pakistan, to Italy.
The investigation, carried out by the Udine Flying Squad, had allowed the entire group to be dismantled, crystallising elements of investigation which had allowed the clarification of the the woman's top-down role as the organizer of numerous transfers of migrants towards Italy and central Europe, exploiting the resources of the transport company that she managed. After the conviction, the Attorney General of Trieste issued the detention order and the related European Arrest Warrant.
The first results reported theunavailability of the woman in Italy and for this reason, the investigation allowed to trace her to her country of origin in Bratislava, thanks to the coordination of the International Police Cooperation Service and the support of the Italian security expert, contact for the geographical area in question. Extradition procedures are underway.
The research activity carried out by the Flying Squad of the Udine Police Headquarters allowed, in 2024, to trace 21 foreign subjects who were recipients of coercive measures issued by Italian Public Prosecutors, traced in 12 European nations and originating from 11 different states (Europe, Africa and Asia).
Furthermore, 13 convicts were extradited to Italy to serve prison sentences, previously arrested in 8 different European countries.
Among these, we note the arrest of a Croatian robber who must serve a 7-year sentence, traced in his country of origin, and the extradition of a man originally from the Czech Republic, sentenced to 5 years and 6 months, because he was believed to be part of an organization dedicated to aiding illegal immigration from Eastern European countries to Italy.
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