Udine, the State Police in recent weeks has arrested some individuals subject to coercive measures and made it possible to execute European Arrest Warrants abroad

The State Police, with the personnel of the Flying Squad, arrested some individuals subject to coercive measures; in addition, three European Arrest Warrants were executed

Udine, the State Police in recent weeks has arrested some individuals subject to coercive measures and made it possible to execute European Arrest Warrants abroad

The State Police, with the personnel of the Flying Squad, in recent weeks has arrested several individuals subject to coercive measures; furthermore, with the coordination of the local Public Prosecutor's Office and the Central Directorate of Criminal Police, Service for International Police Cooperation, Three European Arrest Warrants were executed.

The State Police, with the personnel of the Flying Squad, has implemented some coercive measures of personal freedom, and in particular against a 22 year old Pakistani, of no fixed abode, found in this center, who must serve a sentence of 1 year and 3 months, for facts related to drug dealing which occurred in 2021 and 2022.

The order of the Udine Public Prosecutor's Office against a 76-year-old from the Marche region, convicted of bankruptcy-related crimes, has been executed, which occurred in this province and in that of Ferrara, and who must serve 5 years and 9 months.

A 30-year-old man from Udine, who is serving a 2-year sentence for bankruptcy, was placed under house arrest.

In this center it was A 37-year-old Romanian citizen was found, wanted by the German authorities, as he is accused of having, together with two other accomplices, threatened with a weapon and attempted to extort money from his ex-partner who lives in the city of Ulm. After a brief investigative activity, the wanted man was located and arrested, to be placed at the disposal of the Court of Appeal of Trieste, which will take care of the formalities related to his possible extradition to Germany.

Udine, la Polizia di Stato nelle ultime settimane ha tratto in arresto alcuni soggetti destinatari di misure coercitive nonché reso possibile l'esecuzione all'estero di Mandati di Arresto Europeo

It should also be noted that three fugitives have been tracked down in Spain, Austria and the Czech Republic, who are serving prison sentences in Italy. The first is a 31-year-old Romanian, wanted since last September, part of a cross-border gang dedicated to aiding illegal immigration, who must serve a 2-year prison sentence, imposed by the Court of Udine. The man was arrested in Parla in Spain, in execution of a European Arrest Warrant from the Udine Prosecutor's Office. Previously, the investigative activity of the Flying Squad had allowed in two separate operations, coordinated by the International Police Cooperation Service, carried out in Romania, to arrest the other 4 individuals, members of the criminal group.

In Vienna, Austria, a 44-year-old Serbian citizen was arrested, who in Italy must serve 5 years and 10 months of imprisonment following multiple convictions for criminal acts that occurred in this province, between 2018 and 2019, which involved the convicted person in at least 3 receiving of stolen cars, to which falsified foreign license plates were assigned, used for subsequent thefts in private homes and commercial establishments. The investigation for his location had given the opportunity to ascertain that he had legally changed his personal details and left his country of origin. Subsequent checks gave the opportunity to ascertain that he was in Austria where he was located and arrested following the European Arrest Warrant issued by the Udine Prosecutor's Office. In recent days, the interested party was extradited to Italy.

The last one, in chronological order, is the 34 year old originally from the Czech Republic, who must serve 5 years and 6 months in prison because he was part of a transnational criminal gang, with branches in Italy, Romania, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, which between 2007 and 2009 had brought a considerable number of illegal immigrants, originally from India and Pakistan, to Italy. The investigation, carried out by the Udine Flying Squad, had allowed the entire group to be dismantled. After the conviction, the General Prosecutor's Office of Trieste issued the prison order, and the related European Arrest Warrant, tracking the man down in his country of origin in Strani, thanks to the coordination of the International Police Cooperation Service. The person concerned was subsequently extradited to Italy to serve his prison sentence.

The results obtained demonstrate the constant attention paid by the Udine Police Headquarters in the execution of the restrictive measures issued by the various Judicial Authorities.

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