“Back to school” Wednesday 12 April in prime time on Italia 1

Hosted by Federica Panicucci, flanked by Gianluca Scintilla Fubelli

“Back to school” Wednesday 12 April in prime time on Italia 1.

Wednesday 12 April in prime time on Italia 1, new appointment with “Back to school”, the program in which 30 super big names from TV, music and sport will be "forced" to redo their fifth grade exam. He leads Federica Panicucci, side by side Gianluca Scintilla Fubelli in the role of the undisciplined "class president".

This week, the repeaters who will return to school and get involved will be: Carmen Di Pietro, Raffaella Fico, Aldo Montano, Luca Onestini and Ricky Tognazzi. Also, like “Rimandata”, Soleil Sorge.

Guiding them in their study and learning, as always, are the teachers, 13 children aged 7 to 11, who, lesson after lesson, will best prepare the class on the assigned exam subjects and on the entire school program in general. It will then be the Commission, made up of five authentic elementary teachers, who will subject the Repeaters to the final test and decide whether the examinees can be "promoted" or "postponed" to the next episode.

"Back to school" mercoledì 12 aprile in prima serata su Italia 1.

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