Turin, they received stolen gold and laundered it. 4 precautionary measures carried out by the Carabinieri

One of the recipients of the precautionary measure was placed under house arrest, while the other three were notified of the measure requiring them to report to the Judicial Police.

Turin, they received stolen gold and laundered it. 4 precautionary measures carried out by the Carabinieri

In the morning, the Carabinieri of the 2nd section of the Investigative Unit of the Provincial Command of Turin, coordinated by the local Public Prosecutor's Office, they executed a precautionary measure order against four people, living between Turin and Alessandria, held responsible for having been part of a criminal association dedicated to receiving stolen goods and laundering precious materials.

Torino, ricettavano e riciclavano oro rubato. Eseguite 4 misure cautelari dai Carabinieri

The precautionary measure arises from a complex investigative activity that has allowed us to collect serious and consistent evidence of guilt against the alleged culprits and to frame their respective specific roles, all indispensable to the acquisition of the final profit, managing on some occasions to recover part of the stolen goods.

In particular, It was ascertained that the suspects, through contacts with elements of urban petty crime mostly dedicated to committing burglaries and fraud against the elderly, obtained gold jewellery of illicit origin, to then proceed with the subsequent resale to third parties in order to melt down the precious metal and reuse it.

Thanks to technical investigations and observation and shadowing activities, the Carabinieri investigators found and seized, at different times and places, numerous stolen precious objects. The most sensational recovery occurred in December 2023, at an illegal goldsmith's workshop, where more than a kilogram of gold ready for resale was recovered, along with approximately 100 thousand euros in cash.

One of the recipients of the precautionary measure was placed under house arrest, while the other three were notified of the measure requiring them to report to the Judicial Police.

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