Turin, “Black Scrap” operation: criminal network dismantled for illegal trafficking of waste and ferrous scrap worth 10 million euros
It was possible to reconstruct purchases and sales of over 54.000 tons of ferrous material carried out "under the table" by the Company, for a value of approximately 10 million euros
Turin, “Black Scrap” operation: criminal network dismantled for illegal trafficking of waste and ferrous scrap worth 10 million euros
The Military of the Provincial Command of the Financial Police Turin, following a complex investigation activity (conventionally called "Black Scrap“) coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office - Turin District Anti-Mafia Directorate, have acquired elements that are seriously incriminating, in the accusatory hypothesis, of criminal association for the purpose of illicit waste trafficking and unauthorized waste management activities, As well as of concealment and/or destruction of accounting documents.
The activity, carried out by the Financiers of the Lanzo Torinese Company, started from a tax audit activities carried out against a Canavese company - currently in liquidation -, already operating in the sector wholesale trade and recovery of industrial scrap and non-hazardous waste.
Upon access, the Guardia di Finanza also managed to identify, cleverly hidden in digital form within the company's IT systems, a “parallel” accounting, thanks to which it was possible to reconstruct purchases and sales of over 54.000 tons of ferrous material produced “under the table” by the Company, for a value of approximately 10 million euro (more than half of which, moreover, settled for cash, in violation of the regulations on currency circulation).
The military investigations also made it possible to ascertain that the transfers of ferrous materials (all waste products, considered by current legislation to be equivalent to waste) had been produced without complying with the requirements imposed by environmental regulations, as well as in the absence of the compliance and traceability requirements provided for by national and European legislation.
Without prejudice to the presumption of innocence until responsibilities have been fully ascertained, they are a total of 51 company directors (in particular, 4 of the Canavese company inspected and 47 of other economic entities), operating mainly in northern Italy, accused in various capacities for the hypotheses of the crime of criminal association aimed at illegal waste trafficking, unauthorised waste management activities and concealment or destruction of accounting documents such as "waste forms" and related transport documents.
The Judicial Authority has issued a notice of conclusion of preliminary investigations against them.
Finally, as regards the individuals considered to be the promoters of the criminal association (the 4 administrators from Canavese plus 1 from Brianza), the Public Prosecutor's Office has already requested that the Preliminary Investigations Judge send him to trial.
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