Turin: the Highway Police withdrew three licenses for drunk driving during specific checks to combat the phenomenon

Last weekend, on the night between Saturday and Sunday, the Turin Highway Police carried out checks with specific devices to combat the phenomenon of driving under the influence of alcohol or psychophysical alteration due to the intake of narcotic or psychotropic substances.

Turin: The Highway Police withdrew three licenses for drunk driving during specific checks to combat the phenomenon.

Last weekend, on the night between Saturday and Sunday, the Turin Traffic Police carried out checks with specific devices for combat the phenomenon of drunk driving alcoholic or psychophysical alteration due to the intake of narcotic or psychotropic substances.

The activity, carried out in Turin on Corso Moncalieri, coordinated by an Official of the Turin Highway Police Section and supported by personnel from the Health Office of the Police Headquarters, saw four patrols were involved.

They were 30 vehicles checked with their respective drivers and passengers for a total of 50 people; among the drivers, 3 were found to be under the influence of alcohol, with a blood alcohol level up to 2 times higher than the minimum threshold set at 0,5 g/l.
Among those checked, a woman also tested positive for taking narcotic substances, a circumstance ascertained using the new control systems “Drug Test” supplied to the Health Office of the Turin Police Headquarters.

All three were reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Turin and their driving licenses were withdrawn.
Further checks revealed other traffic violations and consequently it was a total of 40 “license points” were deducted.

The aim of the activity, which will continue in the coming weeks, is to raise road safety standards by harmonising prevention, information and control activities, in order to put a stop to the phenomenon of accidents.

Torino: la Polizia Stradale ha ritirato tre patenti per guida in stato di ebbrezza, durante dei controlli specifici per contrastare il fenomeno

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