Venice: The Province of Treviso receives the UCI Bike Region Label. President Zaia, “A prestigious recognition that rewards the Marca Trevigiana and a territory that has a strong bond with sport and cycling in particular”.
"This award celebrates not only the love of the Marca Trevigiana for the bicycle, but also the impeccable work of a passionate and determined team, led by Daniela Isetti and Nicolò Valentini. It is a milestone that honors our territory, recognizing its ability to unite sporting tradition, scenic beauty, industrial excellence and culture. Again, Treviso confirms itself as a land that enchants, as the motto that I have always supported states: 'Province of Treviso – if you see it, you fall in love with it'' ".
Thus the president of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia, congratulates the Province of Treviso for the prestigious recognition from the UCI Bike Region Label, awarded to the provincial president of the Treviso Cycling Federation, Giorgio Dal Bò, on the occasion of theUCI Mobility & Bike City Forum 2024 in Abu Dhabi. An extraordinary result delivered directly by the president of the UCI, David Lappartient, which places the Marca Trevigiana in the world elite of the 28 regions that can boast this title, the only Italian reality together with Val di Sole.
The award-winning dossier collects a rich panorama of cycling events which have made the Marca Trevigiana famous at a regional, national and international level, highlighting its excellence in tourism, food and wine and culture. Among these, The organization of the Gravel World Championship in 2023 stands out, an event that helped make this prestigious result possible.
"A well-deserved award that represents a new peak for a province that knows how to combine tradition and innovation - concludes the Governor - strengthening the position of the Marca Trevigiana in the international cycling scene, demonstrating once again that it is a territory that knows how to enhance the combination of sport, culture and beauty".
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