
Trento: “Attivati!” is born, the app to connect associations and volunteers

The “Attivati!” app facilitates the meeting between citizens and volunteer projects, promoting flexible and immediate commitment. Over thirty Trentino organizations have already joined the platform.

Trento: “Attivati!” is born, the app to connect associations and volunteers.

Local associations often look for people willing to become volunteers. On the other hand, there are many people looking for associations or projects to get involved in occasionally or continuously. These two needs do not always meet easily. This is why “Attivati!” was born, the app developed as part of the initiatives of Trento European Capital of Volunteering 2024, with the collaboration of the Trentino Volunteering Service Centre (CSV).

Its development was made possible thanks to participatory work and the support of numerous institutional and non-institutional partners. Funding from the Municipality of Trento and Dolomiti Energia Holding, together with the creative and implementation support of Itas Mutua, Produzioni dal Basso and Metadonors, have made it possible to provide the world of Trentino volunteering with a tool that aims to develop an increasingly active and aware citizenry. There are already over thirty projects and associations present in the app, ready to involve those who want to get involved, even with short or occasional commitments.

With a notification system, the app allows associations to report immediate needs, facilitating a rapid response from citizens. It therefore allows you to easily reach volunteers who can respond promptly even to emergencies such as those related to natural disasters. Anyone, from young people to adults, can commit to responding to concrete challenges by choosing activities based on the time available and participating in active citizenship actions promoted by local entities. On “Take Action!” you can create a personalized profile and choose between different local action themes or realities to follow. You will also be able to receive notifications to respond to impactful initiatives and therefore participate in projects and volunteer actions that bring real value to the community.

Yesterday, during the public presentation of the app at Palazzo Geremia, Welfare Councillor Alberto Pedrotti highlighted the particularity of the design process: “This is not a tool imposed from above. It was designed by many young people who worked together: and this in itself is a positive aspect. The financing was also shared by several partners, whom we thank for believing in the enterprise. The genesis of the app is therefore perfectly in line with its purposes, which are to encourage the exchange of time, skills and ideas between citizens and associations of the city".

"We are happy to have supported the creation of this app that facilitates contact between citizens and voluntary associations, offering new opportunities to involve those who want to make a difference in their community. - he has declared Edoardo Fistolera, Head of Information Technology of the Dolomiti Energia Group - This tool represents an important step towards creating synergies to facilitate everyone's commitment to a more sustainable society.".

Luciano Rova, President of Itas Mutua, he added: "Itas, as a Mutual, has always been the insurance that unites people to create trust and well-being. For this reason, our contribution – economic and of ideas – to this new tool that shortens the distances in the world of volunteering in Trentino and facilitates the meeting between supply and demand to promote the collective growth of the territory was natural and enthusiastic. Technology today represents a fundamental vehicle for development, but it is human relationships that make communities healthy, united and supportive. This app will certainly go in this direction, for the good of a territory – Trentino – that has always based its social and economic growth on the world of volunteering".

"With Attivati!, volunteering becomes accessible via smartphone - he has declared Francesca Fiori, CSV coordinator - Thanks to this innovative app, associations and volunteers can finally meet with simplicity, transforming the desire to help their community into concrete actions".

Giorgio Casagranda, President of the Trento Capital Committee European Volunteering Association, commented: “In recent years, data shows a decline in traditional volunteering, particularly among the younger generations, with a decrease especially in continuous and prolonged commitment over time. The app was also created to respond to this change and to the requests for flexibility of associations in the area, allowing associations to engage people in even short, hit-and-run experiences".

To the more than thirty associations and projects already present in “Attivati!” more may be added in the future. To request inclusion, simply write to the Volunteer Services Center at the email address: csv@volontariatotrentino.it or call 0461 916604.

The app design process has been enriched from the results of a Design Jam, a co-design workshop involving participants of all ages (including young people as young as 16), schools and universities, all working together to make volunteering more accessible.

“Activate yourself!” is part of the national campaign to promote volunteering Fa X Te.

Trento: nasce “Attivati!”, l’app per connettere associazioni e volontari

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