Trento: French tourist couple helps young woman brutally beaten in the street.
The agents of the Urban Security Squad tracked down the man and, using the “deferred flagrant act”, arrested him given the possibility of repetition of the violence. With the psychological support provided in cases of gender violence, the wife said she had been a victim of abuse for a long time and filed a complaint.
Trento: French tourist couple helps young woman brutally beaten in the street.
In the late morning of Thursday 3 October, along Via Sanseverino a couple of French tourists noticed a young woman who was severely beaten by a man. The latter, as the couple approached, immediately moved away running away.
Witnesses of the violence have therefore They rescued the girl and accompanied her to the local police offices of Trento-Monte Bondone. Having gathered the first information and testimonies, the agents activated the procedures of the so-called “Code red” to protect victims of domestic violence.
The woman's situation was already known to the Urban Security Squad of the Trento Local Police who, during frequent checks in sensitive areas of the city centre, had already noticed the aggressive attitudes of the husband against his wife, informing the Judicial Authority of what was happening.
The woman, who in the meantime has been accompanied to the emergency room for the necessary care, she reported having been subjected to repeated violence and threats by her spouse since they arrived in Italy a few months ago in search of employment. She also said that she had been victim of attempted sexual assault by her husband, from whom she wanted to separate. Thanks also to the psychological support provided in cases of gender violence, she has therefore decided to report her husband.
In synergy and with the coordination of the Public Prosecutor and in light of the investigative findings, fearing that the complaint could lead the husband to even more violent acts with tragic outcomes, the agents of the Urban Security Squad have set out looking for her husband which was soon found inside the train station. Using the so-called Delayed flagrance, the man was arrested taking into account the social dangerousness of the crimes committed and above all the danger of an escalation of violent conduct.
Regularly present on the national territory even though he did not have documents, the man was held in the security cell of the Local Police Command, where he was identified, and then made available to the Judicial Authority. Due to the seriousness of the incident and the possibility of repetition of the violence against the woman, the Public Prosecutor ordered the immediate transfer of the subject to prison, pending validation of the arrest.
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