
Trento, a day of reflection on dementia at the Cuminetti Theatre

On November 30th in Trento there will be a meeting with experts and direct testimonies, followed by the touching dance show "Sbiadito", to promote a community friendly to people with dementia.

Trento, day of reflection on dementia at the Cuminetti Theater.

It is scheduled for Saturday 30 November at 8.45 at the Cuminetti Theatre “Intrecci: science, art and community united for dementia”, a day of knowledge, meeting and study open to all on the world of dementia and on building communities friendly to people with dementia. Themes that often frighten and alienate, evoking a dimension of life linked to the loss of autonomy, in which space-time disorientation and isolation take over.

During the day, participants will be able to listen to first-hand accounts from family members and people with dementia and meet with Dr. Teresa Di Fiandra of the Ministry of Health and with the experts of Cimec (Interdepartmental Center for Mind and Brain of the University of Trento). Finally, they will be able to attend the dance show Sbiadito. When illness knocks on the door of the theatre company Il Collettivo Clochart, which at the end of the conference, at 16 pm, will be performed at the Teatro Cuminetti. Artistic language is in fact an essential element of the day.

Teatro Cuminetti

The work explores the deep and delicate theme of dementia in an empathetic and sincere way, offering the audience a touching emotional experience, which conveys the sense of human fragility with a choreography capable of capturing blurred memories.

The show can also be seen by those who did not take part in the conference. To book, you can contact the numbers 349.2135673 and 348.8435856 or by writing to the email address collettivaclochart@gmail.com.

Conference participants will also be able to access the museums collaborating on the initiative with a reduced ticket price: Muse, Buonconsiglio Castle, Tridentine Diocesan Museum and Sass Underground Archaeological Space Museum.

The event is promoted by the Working Group active since September 2023 in the Val d'Adige area. Born with the aim of starting a process of significant social and cultural change, the Working Group is committed to making Trento “a community friendly to people with dementia” with awareness-raising, training, prevention and promotion actions.

Increasing knowledge and awareness of the disease fosters a climate of acceptance towards people with dementia and facilitates the creation of an inclusive and accessible social environment, where even people with cognitive decline feel recognized. In a “Friendly Community” the entire population, institutions, associations, and professional categories therefore aim to create a network of aware citizens who know how to listen and relate to the person with dementia to make them feel at ease. It thus becomes possible to start a process of “human regeneration” capable of making urban reality with its spaces, initiatives and social relations fully usable.

The mapping of the city's public spaces most used by people with dementia will be carried out and a co-design process will be started to make the city's environments and spaces more welcoming and suitable for the needs of people with dementia.

This is the first step towards a path of significant social and cultural change to give concreteness to the commitment of associations, local authorities, the third sector and the social health and welfare system in building a community friendly to people with dementia.

The Working Group is coordinated by the Welfare and Social Cohesion Service of the Municipality of Trento in collaboration with the public companies for personal services Beato de Tschiderer, Civica Trento and Margherita Grazioli, the Alzheimer Trento association and the Auser Center, the ST Management Group, the Cognitive Disorders and Dementia Center of the Provincial Health Services Company, the Muse, the Buonconsiglio Castle, the Tridentine Diocesan Museum and the Sass Underground Archaeological Space Museum supported by a group of twelve people with cognitive impairment.

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