Francavilla Fontana, the Carabinieri report two young people for illegal possession of 100 kg of pyrotechnic devices
The subjects were offering pyrotechnic material for sale on "Tik Tok"
Francavilla Fontana (Brindisi), the Carabinieri report two young people for illegal possession of 100 kg of pyrotechnic devices
The Carabinieri of the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus of Francavilla Fontana, as part of a service aimed at preventing and combating the illicit flow and sale of dangerous fireworks and ensuring greater security in view of the imminent end-of-year celebrations, They reported a 29-year-old and a 25-year-old for the crimes of illegal possession of explosive material and failure to report to the Public Security Authority in conjunction. From viewing and analyzing their respective “Tik Tok” profiles, it emerged that, through the well-known video platform, the aforementioned individuals offered the retail sale of pyrotechnic material. Therefore, the military deemed it appropriate to investigate further by carrying out a house search with the assistance of the Carabinieri of the Lecce and Taranto Bomb Squad.
During the operations, inside a room belonging to the home of one of the suspects, inside which the video posted on the web had been filmed, as well as inside the trunk of the car in use by the same, 2.500 pyrotechnic devices of various types and sizes were found, weighing a total of 100 kilograms, illegally detainedWhat was found, stored without precautions inside some boxes, was seized.
Please remember that authorized and freely available fireworks must have a label on the packaging with the number of the ministerial decree authorizing their sale, the name of the product, the manufacturing company, the category to which it belongs and the instructions for use.
They can be sold in all establishments that have a license for the sale of toys. (tobacconists, supermarkets, stationery shops, etc.) and can be purchased by anyone, as long as they are fourteen years old. If the fireworks game you are purchasing is without a label, it is always to be considered prohibited. Furthermore, some games, even if not prohibited, are still very dangerous and can cause, if not used correctly, serious damage to people and things.
Pyrotechnic products classified by the Consolidated Law on Public Safety in category IV and V (artificial devices and similar products in explosive effects) they can only be sold in authorized shops, equipped with a Prefectural License, and can be purchased by persons over 18 years of age and in possession of a gun license. To light such fireworks, a report to the police is required and, in any case, an authorization or license is required. Professional fireworks belong to category IV and can be manufactured, used and sold by pyrotechnic companies with licenses and a license for the profession of "fochino". In any case, the lighting of such fireworks must be authorized by the Public Safety Authority.
These activities are among the crimes against public safety that the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Brindisi is carrying out throughout the province in conjunction with the end-of-year holidays.
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