Brindisi: 32-year-old fugitive identified and arrested with European arrest warrant.
an arrest
Brindisi: 32-year-old fugitive identified and arrested with European arrest warrant.
The State Police officers on duty at the Border Police Office in Brindisi, within the framework of the capillary controls prepared in port, in order to intensify the activity of contrasting the phenomenon of illegal immigration and the illicit trafficking of weapons and narcotics, they identified among the passengers coming from Greece on the ferry ship “VENEZIA", a Bulgarian citizen, aged 32. From a thorough check carried out, It emerged that he was the recipient of a European arrest warrant for extradition purposes, issued by the Bulgarian authorities, for drug-related offences.
The EU citizen, regularly resident in Italy in the province of Rome, He was therefore arrested and taken to the local prison, having to serve a sentence of 5 months and 20 days of imprisonment. The arrest was carried out in compliance with the procedures for international cooperation between Italian and Bulgarian police forces under the European Arrest Warrant system, which allows the extradition of convicted persons between European Union member states.
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