The State Police intervenes at the Teramo Emergency Room, a Tunisian citizen arrested for resisting and causing injury

Despite the officers' attempts to calm him down, when they asked him for identification documents, he spat and cursed at the police officers, to the point of kicking and punching them.

The State Police intervenes at the Teramo Emergency Room, a Tunisian citizen arrested for resisting arrest and causing injury.

The personnel of the Flying Squad of the Police Headquarters intervened at the Emergency Room of the “Mazzini” Hospital in Teramo, where the presence of a drunk person in a rage was reported.
On site, the officers of the Flying Squad and the hospital Police Station, a garrison that has recently been reinforced by the Teramo Police Chief, immediately noticed the troublesome individual, a 32-year-old Tunisian citizen, and ascertained that the aforementioned, shortly before, had attacked a worker assigned to maintenance at the hospital, who had immediately been assisted by a security guard on duty.

The aforementioned man appeared to the intervening officers agitated and aggressive, a behavior he had already previously displayed towards medical staff, the security guard, and other people present.
Despite the officers' attempts to calm him down, when they asked him for identification documents, he spat and cursed at the police officers, to the point of kicking and punching them.

The officers then proceeded to secure the Tunisian citizen using the appropriate handcuffs provided, and to accompany him to the police station, where he was subjected to a personal search.
One of the police officers who intervened, following the fight, sought medical attention and was diagnosed with injuries to a knee and a wrist that were deemed curable in five days, the same prognosis as the worker previously hit by the Tunisian citizen.

The man was therefore arrested in the act of committing the crimes of violence, resisting a public official and aggravated assault, and, by order of the Deputy Public Prosecutor at the Court of Teramo, was held in the holding cells of the local Police Headquarters pending the hearing to validate the arrest.

At the end of the hearing, the arrest was validated by the Judge, who ordered the man to be banned from residing in the capital city.

La Polizia di Stato interviene al Pronto Soccorso di Teramo, arrestato per resistenza e lesioni un cittadino tunisino.

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