Teramo, violence, threats and mistreatment of women: 11 precautionary measures, 7 of which with electronic bracelet

It should be noted that the Teramo Police Force, in the period from 1 June to today, has executed 11 precautionary measures prohibiting people from approaching the injured party in the context of "red code" activities, 7 of which with an electronic bracelet.

Teramo, violence, threats and mistreatment of women: 11 precautionary measures, 7 of which with electronic bracelet.

In recent days, in the provincial territory, l'Carabinieri Army, always at the forefront in the fight against family abuse - a social emergency that afflicts many communities - she intervened to combat this deplorable phenomenon.
Recently, a series of timely activities has highlighted the fundamental role of the Carabinieri in ensuring the safety of victims of abuse in the family.

In particular, the military of Toxicia Station they promptly arrived following a request for help, at the single emergency number 112, from the daughter of the alleged victim, due to alleged violence in progress. Having arrived at the family home, the Carabinieri learned that, for approximately 15 years, for trivial reasons, a 52-year-old non-EU nurse had carried out repeated episodes of verbal, psychological and physical violence towards his wife, a 52-year-old housewife.

Although he had never requested medical assistance or police intervention in the past, the woman decided to report the situation. The military, therefore, activated the so-called “code red”, making the alleged victim aware of the right to use a protected facility. The woman gave up, reporting that she was going, together with her two cohabiting children aged 24 and 22, to the home of her acquaintances. During the control action, the Carabinieri proceeded with the precautionary seizure, pursuant to article 39 of the Consolidated Law on Public Security (TULPS), of some weapons and ammunition legally held by the alleged perpetrator of the crime, who was reported at liberty to the competent Ag for mistreatment of family members. Following the complaint, the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Teramo, fully agreeing with the rapid investigations carried out by the Carabinieri and coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office, issued the precautionary measure ofremoval from the family home, with a ban on approaching (the wife, children, their home, the places they frequent) with the application of the electronic bracelet.

In the municipality of Teramo, however, the Carabinieri of the local station have implemented the Order for the application of the precautionary measure of removal from the family home, issued by the aforementioned GIP, against a 42-year-old Italian worker. The man taken from a precautionary measure, since September 2023, had mistreated his wife, with physical, moral and psychological harassment, directing insults at her and imposing total isolation from her family of origin and friends, also prohibiting her from using the telephone and installing cameras in the home in order to monitor her, also using them physical violence, pushing and hitting her, for trivial reasons. For these offences, the investigating judge issued the precautionary measure against the aforementioned person, prohibiting him from approaching the offended person, his home or his place of work, prohibiting any form of communication with the woman.

And again, in Notaresco, the Carabinieri of the local station they arrested a 45 year old Italian plumber in flagrante delicto for violating the measure prohibiting him from approaching places frequented by the injured party. In fact, the aforementioned, already subjected to the precautionary measure of ban on approaching places frequented by the offended person (as he was responsible for mistreatment in the family towards his 46-year-old wife), without any authorization, he was found in his wife's home. The precautionary measure of the ban on approach was issued because, at the height of a family dispute, which took place inside the family home and in the presence of two adult children, the man allegedly punched his cohabiting wife in the face.

As a corollary to the foregoing, it is highlighted that The Teramo Army, in the period from 1 June to today, carried out 11 precautionary measures prohibiting approaching the offended party as part of "code red" activities, 7 of which with an electronic bracelet.

What is “code red”? The “red code” is how Law 69 of 2019 is commonly known. The law was created to introduce important changes to substantive and procedural law and other regulatory provisions to increase protections for women and vulnerable individuals who they suffer violence, mistreatment and persecution. The "red code" therefore intervenes on a series of crimes relating to domestic and gender violence, with the aim of speeding up the establishment of criminal proceedings and accelerating the possible adoption of measures to protect the victims: the name “red code”, borrowed from that of hospital triage, in fact, it indicates a sort of faster "preferential lane" for complaints and investigations regarding cases of violence against women or minors.

Teramo: 11 misure cautelari di cui 7 con braccialetto elettronico. La lotta dei Carabinieri contro la violenza sulle donne e i maltrattamenti in famiglia

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