Teramo: They pretend to be Carabinieri to defraud two elderly people

The scams were not carried out due to the prompt reaction of the victims who, sensing the deception, immediately called the "REAL" Carabinieri.

Teramo: They pretend to be Carabinieri to defraud two elderly people.

Two scams were attempted against elderly people in the province.

The scams were not carried out due to the prompt reaction of the victims who, sensing the deception, immediately called the "REAL" Carabinieri.
The first occurred in Cermignano (TE) when a phone call came to the landline of a woman over eighty.

The interlocutor, who identified himself as a carabiniere serving in Teramo, invited the woman to go to the barracks because she had to deliver some documents from INPS with which she would be entitled to a pension increase.

After having the caller talk, the woman interrupted the conversation and contacted the Carabinieri of the Val Vomano-Penna Sant'Andrea station, whose commander rushed to the scene to reassure the woman and start the investigations into the case.
A handful of minutes later in Penna Sant'Andrea a 78 year old woman received a phone call, on the landline, the person calling identified himself as a Carabiniere and informed the woman that her daughter had had an accident and was stuck in the barracks and for which liberation required around 5.000 euros.

Even in this case, the woman, having sensed what was happening, interrupted the communication and called the Carabinieri and again those from the Val Vomano - Penna Sant'Andrea station went to her home to gather from her own words the elements to investigate.
Meanwhile, patrols operating in the area were sent to the municipalities in question and the surrounding ones in order to intercept suspicious people. In fact, two foreigners were identified who apparently had no specific reasons for being in the area and on whom investigations are underway. also by virtue of being able to propose them for a possible prevention measure.

Furthermore, images from the cameras present in the area, both public and private, were acquired in order to identify elements useful for the investigations.
At a preventative level, the Teramo Army has already launched extensive information campaigns for years to avoid these types of crimes, an activity which will continue unabated with information meetings both in churches, in community centers and in condominium meetings.

The latest initiative in chronological order is the broadcast of the anti-fraud spot in the hospitals of the province of Teramo. In the context of this activity, the Carabinieri have created and are trying to implement a sort of protection network for the elderly involving various subjects and institutions present in the territory.

A fundamental role has been taken on by the press which have and keep the spotlight on the phenomenon by not skimping on articles on the subject, in order to be able to reach as many people as possible with the result of frustrating the criminals' attempts to complete their activities fraudulent.

This preventive strategy is objectively producing the desired results and therefore it is reiterated that no police force, lawyer, body, insurance company etc. requests the payment of money to free a relative, or to pay insurance or a debt, etc.

Furthermore, taking inspiration from the first fact above and from similar episodes which have occurred in various areas of the nation, particular attention must be paid when one is called by self-styled police forces who invite them to go to the barracks.

In such cases, obtain the name of the caller and the role, then check in the police office whether that person really exists.

In cases of doubt, it is always advisable to contact 112, or the other Police Forces present in the area, before undertaking any initiative.

Teramo: si spacciano come Carabinieri per truffare due anziani.

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