Teramo: checks and targeted interventions to ensure the serenity of the Christmas holidays
The Carabinieri of the Teramo Provincial Command carried out checks and extraordinary interventions with the aim of ensuring a peaceful holiday period.
Teramo: checks and targeted interventions to ensure the serenity of the Christmas holidays
The main goal was prevent predatory crimes and combat driving under the influence of alcohol, as well as monitor violations of the Highway Code which, unfortunately, claim numerous victims every year during the holiday season.
Over the course of the three days, the patrols of the Arma have controls have been intensified throughout the province, inspecting roads and sensitive areas to ensure a calm atmosphere for families gathered to celebrate.
Il operation balance sheet talk about a 62-year-old Italian taken to prison by the Carabinieri of Sant'Egidio alla Vibrata, by order of the Surveillance Court of L'Aquila, having to serve the residual sentence of 4 months of imprisonment for the crime of contempt and resistance to a public official, committed in 2019.
Among the main violations that emerged following the checks by the Radiomobile Units of the Companies of Teramo, Giulianova and Alba Adriatica, Five drivers were reported for drunk driving, having exceeded the legal blood alcohol limit. One of them was caught driving with a suspended license. In addition to reporting them to the judicial authorities, their license was immediately withdrawn..
Finally, it should be noted that the Carabinieri of the Teramo Labour Inspectorate Unit have reported to the competent Judicial Authority a 57-year-old non-EU citizen convicted of illicit intermediation and exploitation of labor, violation provided for by art. 603-bis of the penal code. The military found that the owner of a handbag factory in Vibrata, taking advantage of the need of her employees (8 non-EU citizens, among other things, without a residence permit), forced them to work in places lacking hygiene and safety requirements.
It should be remembered that, in compliance with the presumption of innocence, the responsibility of the reported persons will be ascertained during the judicial proceedings by the competent Authorities.
The widespread action of the Carabinieri of Teramo during these holidays is a clear sign of the commitment to guarantee a safe environment, both on the streets and in urban centers, in a particularly sensitive period for the community.
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