Illegal parking attendants at Atri Hospital: two individuals hit by a report, fines and a mandatory notice to leave
The boy, already under house arrest, was reported to the competent Judicial Authority for the crime of evasion, having evaded the measure.
Illegal parking attendants at Atri Hospital: two individuals hit by a report, fines and a mandatory notice to leave
On the morning of 7.11.2024, during the performance of the territory control activity, the Flying Squad of the Atri Police Station, passing by Mattucci Avenue, Near of the Civil Hospital of Atri, was alerted about the presence of people who, insistently, they asked users for money in order to allow vehicles to park in the parking area.
The policemen went inside the parking lot in order to verify the actual presence of CDs. illegal parking attendants/car guards and noticed the presence of two subjects who, at the sight of the patrol car, tried to hide among parked cars then, seeing themselves discovered, they gave themselves over to a hasty escape.
The police station operators managed to reach them and stop them. The two did not provide any information regarding their presence at the place, and both kept one hand inside their pants pocket, as if they wanted to hide something inside it or in the same hand.
Completely identified, the two boys of And 30 28 years, from Nigerian, they had with them a significant number of coins, with a total value of almost 80 €. It was also found that one of the two was already subjected to house arrest in another municipality.
The investigations generally revealed that numerous precedents for evasion, receiving stolen goods and resisting a public official, Besides drug-related convictions, as well as mistreatment against family members and cohabitants.
Thanks to the police's activity, both were charged with administrative violation pursuant to art. 7 co.15 bis CdS for the activity of illegal parking attendants, with application of the accessory sanction of administrative seizure of the money found for the purpose of confiscation.
The boy, already under house arrest, was deferred to the competent Judicial Authority for the crime of evasion having evaded the measure.
The youngest was also found in possession of marijuana-type narcotic substance, already packaged in a joint, for which reason it was sanctioned pursuant to art. 75 DPR 309/90 with analysis and seizure of the relevant substance.
Following the police activity, and in light of the factual findings, the Police Chief of the Province of Teramo has signed two Mandatory Exit Notices from the Municipality of Atri ordering the aforementioned not to return there for the duration of 3 years for the 30 year old and 1 years for the 28 year old.
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