Giulianova: Carabinieri checks in nightlife venues on the occasion of the "Giulianova Summer Carnival"
The Carabinieri of the local company have intensified controls along the main communication arteries and in nightlife venues.
Giulianova: Carabinieri checks in nightlife venues on the occasion of the "Giulianova Summer Carnival".
In the last weekend, that of “Giulianova Summer Carnival”, the Carabinieri of the local Company have intensified controls along the main communication arteries and in the nightlife areas, paying particular attention to the combating predatory crimes, drug-related crimes and violations of the highway code.
Healthcare personnel on board also participated in the activity mobile laboratory, made available by the company Forensic Lab Service Srl, within the framework of an operational protocol for the detection of driving under the influence of narcotics directly on the road, stipulated between the General Command of the Carabinieri and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, aimed at increasing the effectiveness of road traffic controls.
During the event, they are on the territory 10 patrols were deployed and checked more than 100 vehicles and over 250 people. The control activity allowed the withdrawal of three driving licenses from drivers caught driving under the influence of alcohol, from whom the vehicles they were traveling in, two cars and a motorcycle, were seized.
On the front instead of the fight against drug dealing and consumption note the report of a young man found in possession of doses of cocaine ready for trafficking, as well as the administrative reporting to the local Prefecture of a boy, as a holder of a narcotic substance for personal use, as he was caught with a dose of cocaine.
Furthermore, two Italians, a 63-year-old and a 45-year-old, were tracked down and arrested because they were burdened by an Order of Imprisonment - issued by the Criminal Enforcement Office of the Court of Teramo - respectively for violation of family assistance obligations and crimes against property.
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